Staff profile

Dr Victoria Filingeri


Academic Lead/Senior Lecturer in Ergonomics and Human Factors

Victoria Filingeri with laptop




University of Derby Online Learning

Research centre

Human Sciences Research Centre





Before joining the University of Derby (School of Psychology) in 2016, I was a Visiting Post-doctoral Scholar within the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center at the University of California at Berkeley, conducting independent research into 1) the ageing passenger population; 2) human factors considerations with self-driving cars. As the applied psychologist, I was also part of a multidisciplinary team of researchers involved in projects assessing traffic safety culture (funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety); bicycle level of service; and yielding behaviours at intersections (funded by the California Department of Transportation). My role within the team involved the design of research projects and the development of survey materials, mentoring student researchers, analysing data, and writing academic reports.

Prior to this, I was the recipient of an internationally competitive Endeavour Research Fellowship funded by the Australian Government, enabling me to conduct independent research at the University of New South Wales, Australia. There I focused on the use of escalators among older rail passengers, and gained an international perspective on the Human Factors research that I am so passionate about. I completed my BSc Psychology with Ergonomics, MSc Health Psychology, PhD and postdoctoral research at Loughborough University, looking into crowd behaviour, rail safety (funded by the Rail Safety and Standards Board), teenagers trespassing (funded by Network Rail), and the ageing population.

As a registered member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors I have worked for a number of ergonomics design consultancies within the medical device usability sector, gaining practical experience and utilising both analytical and empirical approaches.

Research interests

My research interests broadly focus on human factors and ergonomics, as well as social and environmental psychology. Within various sectors including: healthcare, transport, and nuclear. 

I have a passion for researching the ageing population, use of public transport, and escalator use. I am also very fascinated by crowd behaviour, and the safety and satisfaction of participants within a crowd. This is with respect to the use of transport hubs, passenger flow, and passenger experience.

More recently I have developed an interest in the human factors considerations within surgery, and the equipment used by healthcare workers. I am also very interested in medical device usability and have been involved in a number of consultancy projects in line with this.

Recent publications

Membership of professional bodies


Recent conferences

  • Haslam, R., Filingeri, V. (2019). Slips, Trips and Falls in Crowds. In: Bagnara, S., Tartaglia, R., Albolino, S., Alexander, T., Fujita, Y. (eds) Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018). IEA 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 819. Springer, Cham.
  • Waterson, P.E., Kendrick, V.L., Biggin, M., Foulkes, F. & Briz, S. 2015. How can we improve the communication of railway safety information to teenagers and young adults? The Fifth International Rail Human Factors Conference, 14th - 17th September 2015, London
  • Kendrick, V.L., Waterson, P., Ryan, B., Jun, T., & Haslam, R. 2015. Understanding slips, trips, and falls among older rail passengers: Future-proofing risk. Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 9-14 August, Melbourne, Australia
  • Kendrick, V.L., Biggin, M., Ward, L., & Waterson, P. 2015. Improving the Engagement of Teenagers and Young Adults with Rail Safety and Risk Education. Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 9-14 August, Melbourne, Australia
  • Kendrick, V.L., Waterson, P., Ryan, B., Jun, T., & Haslam, R. 2015. A systems-based approach to understanding slips, trips, and falls among older rail passengers. Proceedings of the Ergonomics and Human Factors Annual Conference, 13-16 April 2015, Daventry
  • Kendrick, V.L., Ryan, B., Jun, T., Haslam, R.A., & Waterson, P.E. 2014. Slips, Trips and Falls for the Ageing Rail Passenger Population, Rail Research Association UK: Annual Conference, November 2014, London
  • Kendrick, V.L., Ryan, B., Jun, T., Haslam, R.A., & Waterson, P.E. 2014. Managing the Risks of Slips, Trips and Falls for the Ageing Rail Passenger Population: ‘Future Proofing’ Risk Models in Rail, Rail Industry Association: Innovation & Technology conference, March 2014, Leamington Spa, United Kingdom
  • Kendrick, V.L., Haslam, R.A., & Waterson, P.E. 2013. Crowd Satisfaction at Spectator Sporting Events. Proceedings of the Ergonomics & Human Factors Conference, 15-18 April 2013, Cambridge
  • Kendrick, V.L., Haslam, R.A., & Waterson, P.E. 2012. The relationship between public and private security during crowd events. Proceedings of the Institute for Ergonomics and Human Factors 3rdDoctoral Consortium, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
  • Kendrick, V.L., Haslam, R.A., & Waterson, P.E. 2012. Planning crowd events to achieve high participant satisfaction. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association 18th Triennial World Congress, Recife, Brazil
  • Kendrick, V.L., & Haslam, R.A. 2010. The user experience of crowds - A human factors challenge.Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 54(23), 2000-2004

Experience in industry

International experience

Teaching responsibilities

Module lead:

Additional interests and activities

When I’m not teaching or researching all things Ergonomics and Human Factors, I like to holiday in Sicily, relax and enjoy time with my young family.