Getting through exam season might feel like having a mountain to climb, but exams are really the culmination of lots of smaller steps you’ve taken throughout the year – lectures, reading and coursework. Revision is just a small part of your preparation. It can be an intense time nevertheless, so we've spoken to our academic experts and current students to collate their top tips to get you through.

Nail your A-levels

Studying for your A-levels this summer? Our lecturers guide you through their top tips that will help you prepare for your essays, exams and revision. Watch and then apply their advice to your own writing.

Headshot of Dr. Paul Whickman

Top tips for English Poetry

Senior Lecturer Dr. Paul Whickman and second-year student Meg help you improve poetry analysis with this technique that turns your impressions into model answers.

Watch 'Top tips for English poetry'Watch 'Top tips for English poetry'

Headshot of Dr Ruth Larsen

How to succeed at History

Programme Leader Dr. Ruth Larsen shares key concepts for essay writing, what pitfalls to avoid, and suggestions for your free time between study.

Watch 'How to succeed in your History A-levels' Watch 'How to succeed in your History A-levels'

A student working in a classroom looking at their work

We're here to support you

Life as a university student is exciting and fun, but it can also feel daunting at times. We offer a range of services to support you during your application and when you start studying with us.

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