
The Chaplaincy puts on a variety of events open to all students. Among those we're planning this year are:

Event Date/time
'Coffee on the Roof': an invitation for people of all faiths and none to come and chill with us on the Multi-Faith Centre roof September
Tea and Cake in various halls of residence  First few weeks of the semester
Fairtrade Fortnight events  Mid-September 
'Book of Remembrance' service: when we remember those of the University community who have passed away in the last year  November 
Inter Faith Week: light installation November 
Carol Service  December 
Various events for the University's Faith and Belief Month May
Awards Day Cathedral service including staff, students and many traditions, as part of the celebrations for Awards Ceremonies TBA
Christian/ Muslim three-day retreat TBA
Day trips and walks TBA


Contact the Chaplaincy for more info about any of our events: