Subject sessions

Find times and locations for subject sessions taking place at the University's Experience Day on Saturday 29 March.

Courses include: Accounting and Finance; Business Accounting and Finance; Economics;
Economics and Finance; Finance and Technology, Accounting Joint Honours, Economics Joint

During your subject session, you'll get the chance to work on a real-world live brief from a local organisation - working with industry is a key part of our teaching and means our students graduate with a range of real-world experience. 

Subject: Accounting 
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Hall

Subject: Economics and Finance 
Site: Kedleston Road 
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Hall

Subject: Finance and Technology
Site: Kedleston Road 
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Hall

Courses include: Architectural Technology and Practice; Interior Architecture and Venue Design

Subject: Architecture
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS201

Courses include: Animation; Fine Art; Graphic Design; Illustration; Interior Design

Subject: Animation
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS101

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in a practical digital animation workshop where you will join your future classmates to explore creating movement using some of the 12 core principles of animation. You will meet our experienced teaching team to ask any questions you have and get to explore our dedicated studio space.

Subject: Fine Art
Site: Britannia Mill
Time: 10:30am
Room: BM Exterior Studios

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. You will take part in a group crit where you will learn about the teaching team’s approach to teaching through dialogue and the notion of a ‘show and listen’ critique. You will be encouraged and supported to think about artists’ intention and the audience/viewers interpretation. 

Subject: Graphic Design
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS012

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in an interactive ideas workshop where you will explore word play, drawing, experimentation and risk taking. You'll meet our experienced teaching team to explore a range of quick responses to visual prompts in our dedicated studio space.

Subject: Illustration 
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS012

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in an interactive ideas workshop where you will explore word play, drawing, experimentation and risk taking. You'll meet our experienced teaching team to explore a range of quick responses to visual prompts in our dedicated studio space.

Subject: Interior Design
Site: Britannia Mill
Time: 10:30am
Room: BM312

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. This activity replicates a typical student’s day, where you will work in teams to create a small design project - just as you would in a real classroom setting. This activity is designed to see what being an Interior Design student is all about: enhancing your teamwork, challenging your ability to think on your feet, and, most importantly, ensuring you have fun while doing it.

Courses include: Biomedical Science and Human Biology

Subject: Biomedical Science and Human Biology
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am and 12:15pm
Room: T103

Biomedical Science and Human Biology students will test blood sugar levels and case study samples to determine which patient has high glucose in their urine. This is a great example of the type of hands-on experience you'll gain as a student here at the University of Derby.


Courses include: Biology; Zoology; Environmental Science and Sustainability; Earth Sciences

Subject: Biology and Zoology
Site: Kedleston Road 
Time: 10:30am
Room: T102

For the Biology and Zoology session, students will take part in an interactive game about the theory of evolutionary stable strategies.

Courses include: Civil Engineering, Quantity Surveying and Construction Management

Subject: Built Environments
Site: Markeaton Street
Room: MS025

During your activity you'll have the opportunity to explore various surveying equipment and take part in a river flow simulation activity examining sediment movement, as well as seeing our 10meter flume in action.

During your subject session, you'll get the chance to work on a real-world live brief from a local organisation - working with industry is a key part of our teaching and means our students graduate with a range of real-world experience. 

Subjects: Business Management Includes:

  • Business Management
  • Business Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Business Management and Finance
  • Business Management and Human Resource Management
  • Business Management and Marketing
  • Business Management, Supply Chain and Logistics
  • Business Management and Business Technology
  • Business Management Joint Honours
  • Entrepreneurship Joint Honours
  • Human Resource Management Joint Honours

Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Hall

Subject: International Business Management includes:

  • International Business Management 
  • International Business Management and Finance
  • International Business Management and Business Technology
  • International Business and AI (Accelerated in collaboration with Rolls Royce) 

Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Hall

Courses include: Artificial Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence and Data Science; Computer Science;
Cyber Security; Computer Games Modelling and Animation; Computer Games Programming;
Information Technology

Subject: Artificial Intelligence and Computing
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS214

Subject: Computer Games*
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS018

Your activity session will be based on an ‘Introduction to level building for games’. This will provide an introduction to what being a Computer Games student at the University of Derby is like. *You will be taken to our East Midlands Institute of Technology at the Enterprise Centre to undertake the activity.

Courses include: Counselling and Psychotherapy (Humanistic Approaches)

Subject: School of Psychology (includes Psychology, Forensic Psychology and Counselling and Psychotherapy)*
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: HEAP Lecture Theatre

*Subject specific talks will follow and you will be guided to your room. Some subject sessions may not be suitable for under 16s.

Gain an insight into counselling and psychotherapy through a practical demonstration along with self-awareness activities, and a personal development or encounter group.

There is also the opportunity to hear current Counselling and Psychotherapy students talk about their experience.

Courses include: Criminology; Criminology and Sociology, Criminology Joint Honours

Subject: Criminology
One Friar Gate Square 
Time: 10:45am

Experience a criminology lecture and get a taste for the types of activities you will experience on your degree. In our session we will explore how crime, justice and inequality can impact on everyone’s lives, and the challenges in responding to, and dealing with crime.


Subject: Criminology and Sociology
Site: One Friar Gate Square
Time: 10:45am
Room: FG202

Courses include: Dance and Movement for Wellbeing

Subject: Dance
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Building Dance Studio

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in a practical dance workshop where you will join your future classmates to explore creating movement to enhance your own and other peoples' wellbeing. Please wear suitable clothes for movement in a dance studio space. You will meet our experienced programme leader and be able to ask any questions you have.

Courses include: Education Studies; Special Educational Needs and Disability; Early Childhood
Studies, Education Studies Joint Honours, Early Childhood Studies Joint Honours

Subject: Early Childhood Studies
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Building, K203

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. During your activity session you will explore children's free play by using creative materials. This provides a great opportunity for you to gain hands-on experience with creating your own models using a variety of resources.

Subject: Education Studies
Site: Kedleston Road 
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Building, K202

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. In this session you will explore whether there is a behaviour crisis in schools and if so, how it can be addressed. You will be supported and encouraged to share your own views and experiences throughout the session.

Subject: Special Educational Needs and Disability 
Site: Kedleston Road 
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Building, K204

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Join your future classmates in a session that provides an introduction in understanding the issues in using labels to identify individuals with SEND. Our experienced teaching team will go through an interactive timeline on the history of SEND and you will be able to ask them any questions you have about the course.

Courses include: Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Subject: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS234

This activity session will consist of a short lecture introducing you to the PIC18f25k22 microcontroller. Knowledge around microcontrollers provides a great foundation, as they are compact integrate circuits designed to govern specific operations in embedded systems that are used widely in various applications.

Courses include: English; Creative Writing and Publishing, English Joint Honours, Creative Writing
Joint Honours, Publishing Joint Honours

Subject: Creative Writing and Publishing
Site: Kedleston Road 
Time: 10:30am
Room: E606

Take part in an interactive subject taster which will give you a more in-depth understanding of this course, and the chance to experience the academic content and teaching style we offer at Derby. You'll take part in a creative writing exercise which will enable you to learn about what sort of writer you are and begin to understand writing at a conceptual level. This will help you understand how to develop a rewarding writing practice.

Subject: English 
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: E604

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in a group workshop where you will join your future classmates to explore what makes the language of literature so distinctive. For the critic William Empson, central to this distinction is ambiguity. You will learn that while all language is ambiguous to a degree, literature actively exploits, celebrates and plays with this ambiguity. You will be introduced to several poems which demonstrate the richness in multiplicity of meaning. You will meet members of the teaching team and be able to ask any questions you have.

Courses include: Sound, Light and Live Event Engineering

Subject: Sound, Light and Live Event Engineering 
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS039

During this session, Sound, Light and Live Event Engineering students will explore the science and technology of audio systems and acoustics and discover how that is applied to Live Events.

Subject: Environmental Science and Sustainability
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: T116

You'll be asked to consider how we can reduce our carbon footprint. This will give you an example of the type of themes you'll study as an Environmental Science and Sustainability student.

Subject: Earth Sciences
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: T112

You will use geological microscopes to examine a number of volcanic rocks and sand, investigating the source and experimenting with the water flume to understand how these sands would be transported, modified and deposited.

Courses include: Event Management

Subject: Event Management 
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Hall

During your subject session, you'll get the chance to work on a real-world live brief from a local organisation - working with industry is a key part of our teaching and means our students graduate with a range of real-world experience. 

Courses include: Fashion Design; Fashion Design and Marketing

Subject: Fashion
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: Chandos Pole Street

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Join your future classmates and take part in an interactive project 'Everything's a t shirt'. You will be supported by our experienced teaching team to select a visual, photograph it, upload it and add a digital skirt. You'll be surprised with the outcome and have the chance to ask any questions about the course.

Courses include: Film and High-End Television Production

Course: Film and High-End Television
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS146

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in a practical workshop which covers the basics of lighting and contrast and learn about the importance of these for creating great visuals in film and high-end television. You will get hands-on practice using professional cameras and equipment as well as learning how to shape light and control contrast to improve your shots. You will meet our experienced team to ask any questions you have as an emerging filmmaker.

Courses include: Forensic Psychology

Subject: School of Psychology (includes Psychology, Forensic Psychology and Counselling and Psychotherapy)*
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am and 12:15pm
Room: HEAP Lecture Theatre

*Subject specific talks will follow and you will be guided to your room.

Courses include: Forensic Science; Forensic Science with Criminology

Subject: Forensic Science
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am and 12:15pm
Room: T804

During your Forensic Science subject session, you'll take part in the 'Bone Collector' activity where you'll explore forensic anthropology in a 'who done it' style game.

Courses include: History, History Joint Honours

Subject: History
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: E603

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in a hands-on session that reflects this programme's interest in public forms of history. You will join your future classmates and be encouraged to think about the historian's role in museum curation and museum objects as historical sources. You will be supported by the teaching team to engage with relevant primary source materials and will use these materials to design a mock museum exhibition.  

Courses include: International Hospitality Management

Subject: International Hospitality Management
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Hall

During your subject session, you'll get the chance to work on a real-world live brief from a local organisation - working with industry is a key part of our teaching and means our students graduate with a range of real-world experience. 

Courses include: International Relations, International Relations Joint Honours

Subject: International Relations and Politics
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: E605

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. In this interactive and multidisciplinary session, you will explore and evaluate the activist practice of the Rock Against Racism movement as it sought to effect socio-political change in 1970s Britain. 

Courses include: Journalism; Public Relations and Journalism; Specialist Sports Journalism; Football Journalism

Subject: Football Journalism 
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS114E

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. You will take part in an activity designed to mirror a football press conference and find out what it is like to be a member of the media interviewing a manager after a big game.

Subject: Specialist Sports Journalism
Site: Markeaton Street 
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS114F

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. You will take part in an activity designed to mirror a football press conference and find out what it is like to be a member of the media interviewing a manager after a big game.

Subject: Public Relations and Journalism
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS114D

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in a practical workshop for a behind the scenes experience in TV studio skills. You will have a hands-on introduction to the basics of working in a TV studio and be supported by our experienced programme leader who will provide an overview of the opportunities and excitement of studying in this vibrant field. 

Courses include: LLB; LLB with Criminology, Law Joint Honours

Subject: Law
Site: One Friar Gate Square
Time: 10:45am
Room: FG103 (Courtroom)

You’ll explore a contemporary legal case highlighting the legal, political and social issues involved. This will demonstrate the wide expanse of law and legal issues allowing you to bring to life your subject and explore how Law as a subject is highly relevant and influential on how we live our lives and make decisions. You will be encouraged to engage in a discussion about the justice and fairness of the case, allowing you to voice your views and concerns about the decisions in the case.

Courses include: Marketing; Marketing, PR and Advertising; Digital Marketing; Marketing and Consumer Psychology; Marketing and Management, Marketing and Data Insights, Marketing Joint Honours.

Subject: Marketing
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Hall

During your subject session, you'll get the chance to work on a real-world live brief from a local organisation - working with industry is a key part of our teaching and means our students graduate with a range of real-world experience. 

Courses include: Mechanical Engineering; Motorsport Engineering

Subject: Mechanical Engineering 
Site: Markeaton Street 
Time: 10:30am and 12:15pm
Room: MS137

Within the activity session you'll take part in designing a component ready for 3D printing using SolidWorks software. Once you have completed this task, you will visit the 3D Printing Room where the academics will show you the printing process of the designed part.

Course: Motorsport Engineering 
Site: Markeaton Street 
Time: 10:30am and 12:15pm
Room: MS125

Within the activity session you'll analyse data from a simulated race and help with a chassis set-up. This is an important aspect of Motorsport Engineering and helps to improve vehicle and driver performance.

Courses include: Media and Communication, Media Content Creation, Media Joint Honours.

Subject: Media and Communication
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am 
Room: MS145

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in a practical workshop for a behind the scenes experience in TV studio skills. You will have a hands-on introduction to the basics of working in a TV studio and be supported by our experienced programme leader who will provide an overview of the opportunities and excitement of studying in this vibrant field.

Subject: Media Content Creation
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS145

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in a practical workshop for a behind the scenes experience in TV studio skills. You will have a hands-on introduction to the basics of working in a TV studio and be supported by our experienced programme leader who will provide an overview of the opportunities and excitement of studying in this vibrant field.

Courses include: Midwifery

Subject: Midwifery
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: T110

You'll take part in a practical session and the opportunity to assist in a simulated birth and understand the mechanism of birth through using a birthing pool and artificial pelvises.

Courses include: Music Production; Popular Music; Popular Music Joint Honours

Subject: Music Production
Site: Markeaton Street 
Time: 10:30am
Room: MS218a

Subject: Popular Music 
Site: Markeaton Street 
Time: 10:30am 
Room: MS218a

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Take part in an interactive studio-based workshop held in our dedicated music spaces. If you are interested in Music Production, you will explore a range of production tools including; synthesisers, drum machines and DJ equipment. Performance students will take part in an interactive music composition workshop that will be the basis for an original song or piece of music.

Courses include: Adult Nursing; Children’s Nursing; Mental Health Nursing; Learning Disabilities
Nursing; Nursing Associate; Direct Entry; Integrated Masters

Subject: Nursing*
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: T204

*Subject-specific sessions will follow and you will be guided to your room.

Nursing Associate - You will take part in a practical session and demonstration with artificial mannequins of NG feeding, which is the process of delivering food or medicine through a tube for people that have difficulty eating or swallowing.

Adult Nursing - During your subject session you will take part in a practical session where you will learn how to provide basic life support and manual blood pressures, through working with high fidelity mannequins.

Children’s Nursing - You will take part in a practical session where you will view the process of changing babies in an incubator, BLS for paediatrics and how to treat choking. There is also a chance to work with the high-fidelity mannequins.

Mental Health Nursing - You will take part in 'Mindfulness in Mental Health Practice' - this will include practical activities to adapt your thought process through activities such as breathing exercises and focusing in the moment.

Courses include: Occupational Therapy

Subject: Occupational Therapy
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am 
Room: T012

You will gain an insight into occupational therapy principles as well as exploring the use of occupational therapy through a practical session in our specialist training facilities, such as the rehabilitation kitchen.

Courses include: Photography, Photography (Commercial)

Subject: Photography
Site:Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am 
Room: MS016

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, tour our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. You will be accompanied on a tour of our impressive photography facilities that include colour rooms, a mural room for enlarging prints, a washing and drying area and professional editing software.

Courses include: Physiotherapy

Subject: Physiotherapy
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am 
Room: T111

The physiotherapy subject session will include a micro teach providing an overview of a physiotherapy assessment. The session will also cover basic physiotherapy principles as well as practical application elements.

Courses include: Professional Policing; Policing and Investigations

Subject: Policing
Site: One Friar Gate Square 
Time: 10:45am
Room: FG101

You'll take part in an activity to look at eyewitness descriptions and how accurate these are, explore how arrests are made and have the chance to see a mock arrest taking place in our custody suite.

Courses include: Applied Social Work; Public Health and Social Care

Subject: Public Health and Social Care includes: Applied Social Work, Health and Social Care

Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: T007

Learn about the course and study skills through looking at how technology can help with your future studies, including accessing resources and eBooks. You’ll also learn how to harness the power of AI to enhance your reflective practice, helping you gain deeper insights and improve your learning process.

Courses include: Psychology; Forensic Psychology; Psychology Joint Honours

Subject: School of Psychology (includes Psychology, Forensic Psychology and Counselling and Psychotherapy)*
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am and 12:15pm
HEAP Lecture Theatre

*Subject specific sessions will follow and you will be guided to your room.

During your Psychology session you will explore 'The Role of Psychology In Performance' and how we can use psychological principles and theories to understand performance functions in work or life.

Courses include: Diagnostic Radiography

Subject: Radiography
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: T005

Take part in an X-ray room activity to outline the considerations of imaging, including patient care and producing a radiograph.

Classroom activity learning will include anatomy, image viewing and mechanism of injury.

Courses include: Sociology, Sociology Joint Honours

Subject: Sociology 
Site: One Friar Gate Square
Time: 10:45am 
Room: FG301

Experience a bite-sized sociology lesson and view our online learning materials and examples of real assessments. We'll explain how our teaching approach helps you to understand current social issues in new ways and showcase how our graduates have developed the skills to make a difference.

Courses include: Performance Analysis and Coaching Science; Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport; Sport and Exercise Science; Sport Coaching and Coach Development; Sports Nutrition and Health; Sport Therapy and Rehabilitation; Sport Management; Sport Studies Joint Honours

Subject: Performance Analysis and Coaching Science
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: CPACS, Sports Centre

Your subject session will be based in our specialist Performance Analysis Suite, you'll be introduced to the most advanced notational analysis and telestration software currently available. The hands-on practical session will run through an advanced post-match analysis workflow, as would be expected of a Premier League analyst. You'll be shown how to build code windows, code game footage, create organisers, and use advanced telestration to enhance the communication of your analysis.


Subject: Sport and Exercise Science; Sports, Nutrition and Health
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Performance Suite, Sports Centre

During your activity session you'll be based in our Performance Suite in our Sports Centre and will explore 'Sport Science testing for performance and health'. This is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience with our equipment and provides an introduction to this exciting topic. Due to the physical nature of the interactive subject session, please ensure you wear sport clothing and flat, non-slip footwear to the event. 


Subject: Physical Education; Physical Activity and Sport; Sport Coaching and Coach Development
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Track and Field, Sports Centre

Your subject session will be based on 'Reaction Times in Sport: Measurement, Training, and Limitations'. During your interactive workshop you'll examine the significance of reaction times within a sporting context, exploring the various methods used to measure different types of reaction times. You'll engage in discussions on the effectiveness of training interventions for improving reaction times and the potential limitations of this approach in sport performance. The session will integrate both theoretical and practical elements, providing an opportunity to apply concepts in real-time scenarios. Delivered by lecturers from across the coaching and education programmes, this workshop offers valuable insights into the science behind reaction times and their practical application in sport. Due to the physical nature of the interactive subject session, please ensure you wear sport clothing and flat, non-slip footwear to the event. 


Subject: Sport Management
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:20am*
Room: Sports Centre reception

During your Sport Management subject session, you'll visit Derby County Football Club (DCFC) and carry out a DCFC ticketing challenge activity, as well as hearing more about the job roles Sport Management graduates can go into.  

*Please meet in the Sports Centre reception at 10:20am. The minibus will then depart promptly from the Sports Centre to DCFC at 10:30am and return at around 12:15pm.


Subject: Sport Therapy and Rehabilitation
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: K017, Kirtley Building

You'll join an immersive session based on movement screening, biomechanics, and injury prevention techniques, giving you an insight into a real-world experience of what sports therapists do. You'll have a brief overview of sports therapy and its role in injury prevention and join in a discussion on common sports injuries. You'll then be split into two groups and undertake an activity either focused on Functional Movement Screening (FMS) and Biomechanics or Strength and Mobility Drills for Injury Prevention. Due to the physical nature of the interactive subject session, please ensure you wear sport clothing and flat, non-slip footwear to the event. 

Courses include: Primary Education, Primary Education with Integrated Masters

Subject: Teacher Training 
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10:30am
Room: Kirtley Building K102/K103

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. You will participate in a relaxed group discussion where you will consider the wider role of the teacher and aspects of safeguarding.

Courses include: Theatre Arts, Technical Theatre and Performance Design, Theatre Joint Honours

Subject: Theatre Arts, Technical Theatre and Performance Design*
Site: Markeaton Street
Time: 10:30am
Room: Derby Theatre

*One of our buses will take you to Derby Theatre.

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. Attendees interested in Technical Theatre & Performance Design and Theatre Arts will work together to recreate some of the magic moments from our last main stage production at Derby Theatre. You will play with live foley, shadows, lighting and costume whilst exploring how this all supports characterisation and storytelling. You will meet our experienced teaching team to ask any questions you have and get to explore the university owned Derby Theatre, where our Theatre courses are based.

Courses include: Creative Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing

Subject: Creative Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing
Site: Britannia Mill
Time: 10:30am
Room: BM410

Get stuck into an interactive subject session where you can see exactly where you'll be studying, test out our industry-standard facilities, chat to your experienced teaching team about what you will study and your graduate destinations, and meet your future classmates. You will take part in a ‘Making Art from Sound’ workshop where you will use percussion to print expressive imagery as part of a multidisciplinary approach to creativity. You will be supported to explore serendipitous mark making through drumming to offer a taste of our mixed modality ethos.

Courses include: International Tourism Management

Subject: Tourism Management  
Site: Kedleston Road
Time: 10.30am
Room: Kirtley Hall

During your subject session, you'll get the chance to work on a real-world live brief from a local organisation - working with industry is a key part of our teaching and means our students graduate with a range of real-world experience.