International entry requirements

These are the international qualifications we accept for entry on to an undergraduate course. You can find the English language requirements that you will need for your chosen course on the course page.

International Foundation Year:

ث ان وی ت ع ل یمات و ب رې ل یک / شهادت نامه دوره ث ان وی
Grade 12 Graduation Certificate (Baccalauria / Baccalaureate Certificate)

  • Students with a minimum average of 50% of the sum of the highest marks for all subjects would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students would need to complete a recognised Foundation programme to enter onto Bachelor programmes
  • Students holding a degree that is not an Engineering degree from Kabul University with a minimum grade of 80% may be eligible for entrance onto final year of Bachelor degrees

International Foundation Year:

Dëftesë Pjekurie - Secondary School Leaving Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.

Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore - Diploma of State Matura

  • Students with a score of 5-8/10 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 9/10 in the Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore can typically be considered for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 8/10 in the Diplomë Universitare can typically be considered for admission onto the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

شهادة ب كال وری ا ال ت ع ل یم ال ثان وي – Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire

شهادة ال ب كال وری ا ل ل ت ع ل یم ال ت ق ني – Baccalauréat Technique / Commercial

  • Students with a minimum score of 10/20 in either of the above awards would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 11/20 in the مؤهل التقني السامي - Brevet de Technicien Supérieur can typically be considered for direct admissions to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 11/20 in the دب لوم ال م عهد ال عال ي ل لدرا سات ال ت ك نول وج یة – Diplôme can typically be considered for admission to the second year of a Bachelor degree


Students with a minimum score of 7 in the Títol de Batxiller can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Certificado de Habilitaçoes Literarias

  • Students with the Certificado de Habilitaçoes Literarias with a minimum score of 12/20 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students will need to complete a recognised International Foundation Year for entrance onto Bachelor degree programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 12/20 in the Bacharel can typically be considered for admission to the second year of a bachelor programme

International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate before 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 2 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied before 1998 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year


  • Students with a minimum score of IV in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can typically be considered for direct entrance to bachelor programmes


International Foundation Year:

Título de Bachiller / Perito Mercantil / Técnico

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 7 in the Técnico Superior / Técnico Universitario can typically be considered for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Վկայական միջնակարգ (լրիվ) ընդհանուր կրթության - Certificate of (Complete) Secondary General Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 8 usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 10/20 in the ՎԿԱՅԱԳԻՐ (Certificate of Unified Examination) or Դիպլոմ կրտսեր մասնագետի (Junior Specialist Diploma) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes


We require a High School Certificate and an ATAR score of at least 70 or OP of 21 plus:

Australian Capital Territory – Year 12 Certificate

  • Typically we would ask for 120 points including three major T courses and one minor T course (H courses are also acceptable)

New South Wales – Higher School Certificate

  • Typically we would ask for 10 units of Category A Board Developed Courses

Northern Territory – Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training

  • Typically we would ask for the completion of 80 credits with a minimum of 60 credits in Tertiary Admissions Subjects

Queensland – Queensland Certificate of Education

  • Typically we would ask for 20 semester units of Authority subjects in additions to the Queensland Core Skills test

South Australia – South Australia Certificate of Education

  • Typically we ask for 80 credits with a minimum of 60 credits in Tertiary Admissions Subjects

Tasmania – Tasmania Certificate of Education

  • Typically we ask for a minimum of three subjects at TQA level 3 / TCE level 5 / C syllabus

Victoria – Victoria Certificate of Education

  • Typically we ask for five unit 3 and 4 passes

Western Australia Certificate of Education

  • Typically we ask for four Year 12 WACE subjects


International Foundation Year:

Orta Təhsil Haqqında Şəhadətnamə - Certificate of Complete Secondary Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 3.75/5 usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • International Foundation Year required

International Foundation Year:

  • The GCSE / GCE O Level awards are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSE levels.
  • Students holding C grades in relevant subjects in the GCSE / GCE O Levels would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year


  • Students with a minimum score of IV in the Associate degree or a grade of C+ in a Bachelor degree from the College of the Bahamas can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • GCE A levels are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


International Foundation Year:

شهادة ال ثان وی ة ال عامة Secondary School Certificate Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama

  • Students with an overall score of 65% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Applicants with a Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama will normally need to complete an International Foundation Year.

International Foundation Year:

  • Students with a GPA of 3/5 in the HSC or Intermediate Certificate would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • Students with a minimum grade of C in the Alim would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS please check relevant course page for required score


  • Students with a minimum of 60% in a Polytechnic diploma issued by the Bangladesh Technical Education Board can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 50% in a 2 year Bachelor degree from a NARIC or government recognised institution can typically be considered for direct entry onto a Bachelor degree
  • Students with a minimum score of 50% in a 3-4 year Bachelor degree from a NARIC or government recognised institution and a minimum score of 50% can typically be considered for second year entry onto a Bachelor degree 
    Students with a minimum score of 50% in a 3-5 year Bachelor degree from a NARIC or government recognised institution (with the exception of BUET) can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor degree


  • Academic or UKVI IELTS no older than 2 years and must meet the requirement of the course of study.
  • Cambridge IGCSE English with Grade C
  • Completion of UK degree in the UK within the past two years

International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate before 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 2 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied before 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year

Students with GCE Ordinary Levels and minimum marks of C would be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year


Students with a minimum score of IV in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can typically be considered for direct entrance to bachelor programmes

The GCE Advanced level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


International Foundation Year:

Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыi -Certificate of General Secondary Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 3/5 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum of grade 3/5 in the Дыплом аб сярэдняй спецыяльнай адукацыi (Diploma of Specialised Secondary Education) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards would usually eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate after 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 2 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied before 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • The GCE Ordinary level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSEs
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of IV in the Associate degree or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • GCE A levels are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


International Foundation Year:


  • Students with a minimum grade of bien can be considered for entrance to IFP
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Brevet de Technicien Supérieur / Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur / Diplôme d’Etudes Techniques Supérieures

  • Students with a minimum grade of 14/20 can be considered for direct entrance


  • Students with a minimum grade of 14/20 can be considered for entrance to the final year of a degree programme in a relevant subject

International Foundation Year:

Bermuda School Certificate

  • Students with a minimum of grade C would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum of grade C in the Associate of Arts or Science can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes


  • Students with a minimum grade of D in the English language component of the Bermuda School Certificate are exempt from English language requirements.

International Foundation Year:

Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate completed after 2006

  • Students with a minimum score of 50% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 50% in a Certificate, Diploma or Bachelor degree can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Título de Bachiller / Perito Mercantil / Técnico

  • Students with a minimum score of 64% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 64% in the Técnico Superior or Técnico Universitario can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Matura / Svjedodžba o Zavrženoj Srednjoj Skoli - Secondary School Leaving Certificate

  • Students with a score of 2-3 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 4 in the Matura / Svjedodžba o Zavrženoj Srednjoj Skoli - Secondary School Leaving Certificate can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

International General Certificate of Secondary Education or Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education Examination

  • Students with a minimum of Grade C in would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum average grade of C in a Certificate or Diploma from the University of Botswana can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum average grade of C in a Higher Diploma from the University of Botswana can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of a Bachelor degree
  • Students a minimum of a 2nd class 2nd division in a four year degree can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor degree


  • Grade C in English in English language in the Botswana GCSE or IGCSE grants exemption from English requirements
  • NB Many diploma and degree programmes in Botswana are taught in English language, please confirm language of instruction with the applicant

International Foundation Year:

Certificacado de Conclusão de Segundo Grau / Certificacado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio / Diploma de Técnico de Nivel Medio

  • Students who have successfully completed any of the above awards would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students who have completed the first year of a University programme may be considered for entry to year 1 of Bachelor programmes

Título / Grau de Tecnólogo

  • Requirements will vary dependant on the scoring system used and applications will be considered on a case by case basis for entrance onto the final year of a Bachelor degree

International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate before 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 2 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied before 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year


Students holding the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with a minimum score of IV are eligible for entrance to bachelor programmes.


NB Most courses are taught in English language, please confirm language of instruction with applicant

  • Grade III in English in the CXC Secondary Education Certificate would exempt students from English requirements

International Foundation Year:

Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

  • Directly comparable to UK GCSEs where grades 1-6 have been achieved
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 50% in the BDTVEC National Diploma can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programme.
  • Students with a score of 50% in the BDTVEC Higher National Diploma can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor programme.
  • The Brunei-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A levels) is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


The following qualifications grant exemption from standard English language requirements:

  • Cambridge GCE O level with English language at grade 6
  • Cambridge GCE A level with English language at grade 6

NB The majority of programmes are taught in English; please confirm the language of instruction with the applicant. The standard of English in Brunei is considered to be very high and many businesses operate in English language environments as well.

International Foundation Year:

General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

  • Students with the General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level with C grades or the Probatoire with a Pass Grade would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 12/20 in the Baccalauréat can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Diplôme des Humanités Complètes

  • Students with a minimum score of 50% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 60% in the Candidature / Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 60% in the Diplôme d'Ingénieur Technicien can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Diploma of Upper Secondary School

  • Students who have completed a Diploma of Upper Secondary School with a minimum grade of C would typically be accepted
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 65% in an Associate Degree can typically be accepted for direct entrance to a Bachelor degree.
Students with a minimum score of 65% in a Bachelor degree from a NARIC or government recognised institution can typically be considered for entrance onto the second year of a bachelor degree.

International Foundation Year:

General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

  • Students with the General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level with C would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year


  • Students with a Pass Grade in the Probatoire would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level is directly comparable to A levels.
  • Students with a minimum score of 12/20 in the Baccalauréat can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programme

International Foundation Year:

  • Students who have completed grade 11 of their High School Diploma will be considered on a case by case basis for foundation programmes


We require a High School Certificate or GED with a minimum average of 65% in 5 subjects at grade 12. If specific subjects are requested a minimum of 65% must be achieved.

Alberta – General High School Diploma

  • Grade 12 courses are numbered 30 or 31

British Columbia – Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma)

  • The number at the end of the course title indicated the grade

Manitoba – High School Graduation Diploma

  • The first number is the level of the course. 4 = Grade 12

New Brunswick – High School Graduation Diploma

Anglophone System

  • Courses have three numbers following the subject, the first 2 refer to the level of the course

Francophone System

  • Course codes have 6 digits, the 3rd digit is the course level 4 = Grade 12

Newfoundland and Labrador – High School Graduation Diploma

  • Course codes have 6 digits, 3rd digit is the course level, 3 = Grade 12. 4 = Advanced Placement

Northwest Territories – General High School Diploma

  • Grade 12 courses start with the number 3 (e.g. 30, 35, 3000)

Nova Scotia – High School Completion Certificate

  • Typically we require 65% in five grade 12 subjects

Nunavut – High School Graduation Diploma

  • Grade 12 courses start with the number 3 (e.g. 30, 35, 3000)

Ontario – Ontario Secondary School Diploma

  • The course type is indicated by the letter in 5th place in the course code.
    We can accept U, M and C courses

Prince Edward Island – High School Graduation Diploma

  • The first number in the course code indicates the grade, 8 = grade 11 or 12

Saskatchewan –Grade 12 Standing / Division IV Standing

  • 30 = grade 12

Yukon – Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma

  • The number at the end of the course title and course code indicate the level e.g. EN12 is Grade 12 English


International Foundation Year:

Certificado de Habiltações Literárias 3°Ciclo

  • Students with a score of 10-13 would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Certificado de Habiltações Literárias 3°Ciclo can typically be considered for entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Grau de Bacharel can typically be considered for entrance onto the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate before 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 2 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied before 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year


  • Students with a minimum score of IV in the Associate degree or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes


  • NB The majority of courses are taught in English, please confirm the medium of instruction with the applicant
  • Grade III in English in the CXC Secondary Education Certificate would exempt students from English requirements

International Foundation Year:

  • Students with a minimum score of 12/20 in the Baccalauréat would be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 12 in the Diplome d’Etudes Universitaires Générales
  • Students with a minimum score of 12 in the Licence can be considered for entrance to the 2nd year of a relevant degree programme

International Foundation Year:

  • Students with a minimum score of 10 in the Baccalauréat would be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Brevet de Technicien Supérieur / Diplome Universitaire de Lettres Modernes or Sciences or Sciences, Juridiques, Economiques et de Gestion

  • Students with a minimum score of 14 would be eligible for the first year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Licencia de Educación / Enseñanza Media

  • Students with a minimum score of 4 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 4in the Técnico Superior or Técnico Universitario can typically be considered for entrance onto the second year of Bachelor programmes

China, People's Republic of 中华人民共和国

International Foundation Year:

高中毕业证书 - Certificate of Senior Secondary School

  • Students with an average of 60% in the Certificate of Senior Secondary School would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


高考 – National University Entrance Examination (Gaokao)

  • Students with high scores in the Gaokao will be considered for entrance to Bachelor degrees on a case by case basis – dependent upon course specific grades.
  • NB: Maximum scores vary by province to province and the marks required for university entrance vary from year to year. The results are published online by the MoE in Chinese: 

中专 – Zhongzhuan

  • Students with a minimum of 60% can be considered for first year entrance

专科/大专 or 高职 – Sub-degree or Gaozhi

  • Students with a minimum pass mark of 75% can typically be considered for admission to the final year of a Bachelor programme dependent upon module mapping.


  • NB Some universities are now offering degree programmes taught in English, please confirm with the applicant if the degree is taught exclusively in English language

International Foundation Year:

Título de Bachiller

  • Students with a minimum grade of desempeño alto would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • The ICFES examination will be considered for entrance onto the first year of Bachelor programmes on a case by case basis. A typical offer would be a puesto of 1 – 400 (top 40% of students in the cohort) or puntaje of 70.
  • Students with a minimum score of 3.5 in the Técnico Profesional can typically be considered for entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Diplome de Bachielier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré

  • Students with a minimum score of 16 can be considered for IFP
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 12/20 in the Baccalauréat can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programme

International Foundation Year:

Bachiller en la Enseñanza Media

  • Students with a minimum score of 70% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students who have completed the first year of a Licenciatura are typically eligible for entrance to the 1st year of Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 7 in the Diplomado or Técnico can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of a bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Título de Bachiller / Bachiller Tecnológico / Técnico Medio

  • Students with a minimum score of 70% in any of the above awards would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 3 in the Título de Técnico from an Instituto Politécnico de la Salud (Polytechnic Health Institute) can typically be considered for direct entry to bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Diplome d’Etat d’Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long

  • Students with a minimum of 60% can be considered for entrance to the IFP when taken in the academic stream only.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Diplome d’Ingénieur Technicien / Diplome de Technicien Supérieur (DTS)

  • Students with a minimum of 70% can be considered for entrance to the first year of a Bachelor programme in a related subject


  • Students with a score of 70% can be considered for direct entrance

Diplome d’Ingénieur / Licence

  • Students with a minimum of 70% can be considered for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor programme in a related subject

International Foundation Year:


  • Students with a minimum score of 10 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 12 in the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards are eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate before 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 2 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied before 1998 onwards are eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • The GCE Ordinary level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSEs


  • Students with a minimum score of IV in the Associate degree or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • GCE A levels are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.

International Foundation Year:

Bachillerato – Secondary School Certificate

  • Students with an overall score of 70% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students will need to complete a recognised International Foundation Year for entrance onto Bachelor degree programmes

International Foundation Year:

Título de Bachiller

  • Students with a minimum score of 7 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Título de Tecnólogo can typically be considered for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

شهادة ال درا سة ال ثان وی ة ال عامة Certificate of General Secondary Education

  • Students with a score of 65% or Good would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum of 65% in the دب لوم الازهر (Al-Azhar Training Diploma) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor degree programmes.
  • Students with 65% in the ال ب كال وری وس (Bachelor degree) from a NARIC or government recognised higher institute are eligible for advanced standing on degree programmes.

International Foundation Year:

Título de Bachiller

  • Students with a minimum score of 5 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 6 in the Título de Técnico / Perito / Auxiliar can typically be considered for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 6 in the Técnico Superior / Diplomado can typically be considered for entrance onto the second year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate Examination

  • Students with a minimum grade of C would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum grade of B in a Diploma can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum grade of B in a Bachelor degree can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 50% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.

Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Qualification Certificate

  • Students with a minimum of 250 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum GPA of 2/4 in the 3-4 Year Bachelor degree can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum GPA of 2/4 in the 4-7 year Bachelor degree can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of Bachelor programmes
  • Bachelor degrees from private universities must be approved by the Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA). The list can be downloaded below in the Accreditation Documents section:

International Foundation Year:

Fiji School Leaving Certificate

  • Students with a minimum of grade B would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of B in the Fiji Seventh Form Certificate Examination a can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

  • Students with a minimum score of assez bien in the Baccalauréat can be considered for the IFP.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Diplome d’Etudes Universitaires Générales / Brevet de Technicien Supérieur / Diplome Universitaire d’Etudes…

  • Students with a minimum score of 13 can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programme


  • Students with a minimum score of assez bien can typically be considered for entrance to the 3rd year of a relevant degree programme

International Foundation Year:

West African Senior School Certificate Examination / General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

  • Students with five passes at Grade C in either of the above awards would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with minimum grades of C in the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum GPA of 2.7 in a Bachelor degree can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of a degree


The following qualifications offer English exemption:

  • English with a grade of C6 in the WASSC
  • MOI letter for Bachelor and Master degrees or Higher Diplomas etc

International Foundation Year:

სრული ზოგადი განათლების ატესტატი - Secondary School Leaving Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 3/4 or 6/10 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students will need to complete a recognised International Foundation Year for entrance onto Bachelor degree programmes

International Foundation Year:

West African Senior School Certificate Examination / General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

  • Student with five passes at Grade C in either of the above awards would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 in the Ordinary National Diploma can typically be considered for entrance to the first year of Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 in the Higher National Diploma can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of Bachelor programmes
  • The General Certificate of Education Advanced Levels is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


The following qualifications offer English exemption:

  • WASSCE C6 (equivalent to IELTS 6.0)

If you do not meet the criteria above then you require an Academic IELTS.

Gibraltar follows the UK education system. Details of the academic requirements for your course can be found on our course finder.

International Foundation Year:


  • Students with a minimum score of 55% from a public school and 65% from a private school would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 71% in the Técnico Universitario / Diplomado Grado Académico de Baccalaureatus from public institutions and 81% from private institutions can typically be considered for entrance onto the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Baccalauréat Unique / 2éme partie

  • Students with an overall grade of 12-13 can usually be accepted to the IFP programme.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Diplôme (from an École Nationale)

  • Students with a score of 14+ can usually be accepted for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes

Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales

  • Students with a score of 14 overall and a minimum of 14 in relevant subjects can usually be accepted for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

Licence / Diplôme d’Ingénieur / Diplôme de Docteur en Médecine

  • Students with a score of 14 overall and a minimum of 14 in relevant subjects can usually be accepted for entrance to the third year of a relevant degree programme

International Foundation Year:

Certidão – 11a Classe do Ensino Secundário / Certificado do Ensino Secundário

  • Students with a minimum score of C would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required

International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards are eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year


  • Students with a minimum score of IV in the 2-3 year Associate degree or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of IV in the 3-4 year Associate degree can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of Bachelor programmes

Guyana is recognised as an English language exempt country by the Home Office: 

International Foundation Year:

Baccalauréat (reformed system) / Baccalauréat II / Diplôme d’Enseignement Secondaire

  • Students with a minimum score of 5/10 or 50% would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 6/10 or 60% in the Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures can typically be considered for entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 6/10 or 60% in the Maîtrise can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of Bachelor programmes


Diploma in Scienze Religiose

  • Requirements will vary dependant on scoring system used and applications will be considered on a case by case basis. Students who have completed a Diploma in Scienze Religiose can usually be considered for entrance to the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Bachillerato / Perito / Bachiller

  • Students with a minimum score of 70% in any of the above awards would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 70% in the Diploma de Técnico or Diploma de Técnico Universitario can typically be considered for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 70% in the Técnico Universitario or Bachillerato Universitario can typically be considered for entrance onto the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

毅進文憑 - Yi Jin Diploma

  • Students with a minimum score of 60% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


港中學文憑 (Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)) please refer to the UCAS tariff charts below for direct entrance:

Core and elective subjects:

Grade: 5** / Tariff points: 56

Grade: 5* / Tariff points: 52

Grade: 5 / Tariff points: 48

Grade: 4 / Tariff points: 32

Grade: 3 / Tariff points: 16

Category A Mathematics: Extension Mathematics only:

Grade: 5** / Tariff points: 28

Grade: 5* / Tariff points: 26

Grade: 5 / Tariff points: 24

Grade: 4 / Tariff points: 16

Grade: 3 / Tariff points: 8

副學士學位 (Associate degree) is comparable to a DipHE, allows entrance to 3rd year of most degree programmes dependent upon module mapping. A minimum GPA of 2.5 would be required.


Students with a minimum grade of 4 in English would be exempt from IELTS requirements:

Subject level: 5** / Overall IELTS Band Score: 7.51 - 7.77

Subject level: 5* / Overall IELTS Band Score: 7.16 - 7.32

Subject level: 5 / Overall IELTS Band Score: 6.81 - 6.99

Subject level: 4 / Overall IELTS Band Score: 6.31 - 6.51

Subject level: 3 / Overall IELTS Band Score: 5.48 - 5.68

Subject level: 2 / Overall IELTS Band Score: 4.79 - 5.07

NB Many programmes are taught in English; please confirm the language of instruction with the applicant. The standard of English in Hong Kong is considered to be very high and many businesses operate in English language environments as well.

International Foundation Year:

Lokaprof af hönnunarbrau

  • Students with a minimum score of 5/10 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students who have achieved a minimum score of 6/10 in the Stúdentspróf can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes


  • Students who have achieved a score of 9 in the Stúdentspróf English language are exempt from English requirements

International Foundation Year:

Standard XII / Intermediate Examination / Higher Secondary Examination

  • Students with an average of 50% in any of the above awards would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year.
  • UKVI IELTS please check relevant course page for required score


Students with a minimum average of 70% in the Standard XII/Intermediate/Higher Secondary Examination can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor degree programmes

Grading systems:

Percentage: 85%+ / Performance: Excellent / Central Board: A1-A2 / CISCE: One 

Percentage: 80 - 85% / Performance: Superior / Central Board: A1-A2 / CISCE: Two

Percentage: 70 - 80% / Performance: Very Good / Central Board: B1 / CISCE: Three

Percentage: 60 - 70% / Performance: Good / Central Board: B2 / CISCE: Four

Percentage: 50 - 60% / Performance: Satisfactory / Central Board: C1 / CISCE: Five

Percentage: 40 - 50% / Performance: Average / Central Board: C2 / CISCE: Six

Percentage: 35 - 40% / Performance: Pass / Central Board: D / CISCE: Seven

Students with a minimum score of 60% in the Certificate of General Nursing and Midwifery from State Nursing Boards or Councils can be considered for entrance to the second year of a related degree programme.


  • We will accept English from CBSE and Maharashtra boards with a minimum of 75% 
  • Academic or UKVI IELTS no older than 2 years and must meet the requirement of the course of study.
  • Cambridge IGCSE English with Grade C
  • Completion of UK degree in the UK within the past two years

International Foundation Year:

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 in the SMA/MA (Certificate of Graduation from Academic/Islamic School) can typically be considered for Foundation Programmes.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the D1 can be considered for 1st year entrance.
  • Students with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the D2 can be considered for 2nd year entrance to a degree in a similar discipline.
  • Students with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the D3 can be considered for 3rd entrance to a degree in a similar discipline.


  • Sarjana I or Diploma IV from a NARIC or government recognised institution
  • GPA of 3.0 for a UK 2:1
  • GPA of 2.5 for a UK 2:2

International Foundation Year:

گ واه ی نامه پ ای ان ت ح ص یلات دوره م تو سطه – High School Diploma

  • Students with a score of 14/20 in the High School Diploma of 3-4 years would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 12/20 or 60% in the پ یش دان ش گاهی (Pre University Certificate) or ک ن کور (University Entrance Examination) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

The following qualifications grant exemption from standard English language requirements:
Standard XII/Intermediate/Higher Secondary Certificate from the Central Board of Secondary Education or the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination with a minimum score of 60% in English
Standard XII/Intermediate/Higher Secondary Certificate from a State Board with a minimum score of 70% in English

International Foundation Year:

شهادة ال درا سة الاع دادی ة / ال ثان وی ة – Sixth Form Baccalaureate

  • Typically a score of 50% can be considered for non-Engineering and technology pathways.
  • 60% is required for Technology / Foundation programmes
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students will need to complete a recognised International Foundation Year for entrance onto Bachelor degree programmes
  • A Bachelor degree* with a minimum score of 60% from a NARIC or government recognised institution may be considered for advanced standing on a case by cases basis

*comparable to DipHe
**technical / professional subjects comparable to an HND

International Foundation Year:

תעןדת תכוב ת' גמר – High School Completion Diploma

  • Students with a minimum score of 65% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 60% in the תעודת בגרות (Matriculation Certificate) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes


International Foundation Year:

Baccalauréat / Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré

  • Students with a minimum score of 12-13 can usually be accepted for entrance to the IFP
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur / Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programme


  • Students with a minimum score of 14 can be considered for final year entrance to a relevant degree programme

International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards are eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • The GCE Ordinary level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSEs


  • Students with a minimum score of IV in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • The GCE Advanced level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.

Jamaica is recognised as an English language exempt country by the Home Office:     

International Foundation Year:

高等学校卒業証書 - Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 60% in the 準学士 /専門士(Associate degree / Diploma) can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of a Bachelor programme

International Foundation Year:

ال عامة ال ثان وی ة الدرا سة شهادة – General Certificate of Secondary Education

  • Students with an overall score of 60% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 65% in the المج تمع ك ل یات دب لوم (Intermediate Diploma / Associate Degree) can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of Bachelor programmes 

International Foundation Year:

Oрта білім туралы аттестат - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 3.5 / 5 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 3.5 / 5 in the Диплом о среднем профессиональном образовании (Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

  • Students with minimum grades of C in five subjects would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 60% in the University Diploma / Ordinary Diploma / Ordinary Technician Diploma can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 60% in the Higher Diploma / Higher Technician Diploma can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor programme


The following awards offer English language exemptions:

  • Students with a grade C or above in English language in the KCSE are exempt from English requirements


  • Students with a minimum score of 3.5 in the Diplomë për Kryerjen e Shkollës së Mesme të Lartë (Diploma for High School Graduation) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

  • Typically the Sixth Form Baccalaureate will be considered for IFY entry on a case by case basis.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students will need to complete a recognised International Foundation Year for entrance onto Bachelor degree programmes

International Foundation Year:

ال عامة ال ثان وی ة الدرا سة شهادة – Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama

  • Students with an overall score of 60% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required

ال تدری ب و ال تط ب ی قي ل ل تعل یم ال عامة اله ی ئة معاﻫد من شهادة/ دب لوم Diploma / Certificate from PAEET Institute

A diploma / certificate with overall: 2.33 GPA OR at least 77% average OR C+ average from one of the following institutes is normally accepted for entrance to a Bachelor programme:

1. Higher Institute of Telecommunication and Navigation (males and females)

2. High Institute of Energy (males only)

3. Institutes of Secretarial Studies and Office Management (males and females)

4. Institute of Tourism, Beauty and Fashion (males and females)

5. Special Training Courses (males and females)

6. Industrial Training Institute/Sabah Al-Salem (males only)

7. Industrial Training Institute/Shuwaikh (males only)

8. Constructive Training Institute (males only)

9. Nursing Institute (males and females)

10. Vocational Training Institute (males only)

11. Applied Education and Research Colleges 

International Foundation Year:

Жалпы орто билим туралуу аттестат - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 3.5 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 3.5 in the Кесипчилик техникалык билим тууралуу диплом / Диплом о присвоении квалификации (Qualification Diploma / Junior Specialist Diploma) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:


  • Students with a Baccalauréat will be considered for the International Foundation Year on a case by case basis.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Holders of a Bachelor degree or University Diploma from a NARIC or government recognised institutions would be considered for entrance onto the final year of a bachelor programme on a case by case basis

International Foundation Year:

 ال ف ن یة ال بكالوری ا/  ال بكالوری ا Baccalauréat General or Baccalauréat Technique  

  • Students with a score of 10 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • 12 for Engineering and technology
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum average of 75% in the ال ف ني الام ت یاز (Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum average of 75% in the المه ن یة ال تع ل یم یة الإجازة (Diploma of Technical Licence / Licence Technique) can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Senior School Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 in the Senior School Certificate would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Holders of an Associate Degree with a minimum score of 70% can be considered for Bachelor programmes
  • Holders of a Bachelor degree with a minimum score of 70% can be considered for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor programme

The following awards grant English language exemption:

  • Students with grades of 1-6 in English language in the Senior School Certificate would be exempt from English language requirements.

International Foundation Year:

 ال عامة ال ثان وی ة الدرا سة شهادة – Secondary Education Certificate

  • Students with a score of 60% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 65% in the ال عال ي الدب لوم (Higher Diploma) can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of a Bachelor programme


  • Students with a minimum score of 4 in the Type B or E Matura can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of a Bachelor programme
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required

International Foundation Year:

The Cambridge Overseas School Certificate / GCE O levels are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSEs.

  • Students with the Certificate of Higher Secondary Education or Form 6 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum of grade C in the Ensino Secundário Complementar can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • The Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate / GCE A levels are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


The following qualifications grant English exemptions:

  • GCSE English with a minimum grade C
  • Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate / GCE A level English with a grade C


  • Students with a minimum score of 3.4 in the Диплома за положен завршен испит (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) or Државната матура (Matura) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes


International Foundation Year:

Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré

  • Students with a minimum score of 10 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 12 in the Diplôme Universitaire d'Études Littéraires / Scientifiques or Diplôme Universitaire de Technicien Supérieur can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Malawi School Certificate of Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • The Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate / General Certificate of Education Advanced Level are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.
  • Students who have completed a Bachelor degree (in non-Law, Medicine or Surgery) may be eligible for entrance to the final year of degree programmes


The following qualifications grant English exemption:

  • Students with a grade of 1-6 in English language in the Malawi Secondary School Certificate are exempt from English language requirements
  • Grade C in English in the COHSC or grades C in all subjects

International Foundation Year:

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia – Malaysia Certificate of Education

  • Students with scores of 6 or grade C would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.

*The grading system for the SPM works in reverse, so that 1 is the highest grade and 9 is the lowest grade.


  • Students with a minimum average of 65% or B5 in the Unified Examinations Certificate (UEC) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Diplomas with a GPA of 2.5 will be considered on a case by case basis for advance standing onto Bachelor programmes. Students can be accepted onto the final year of Bachelor programmes at the programme leader’s discretion. Historically the Diploma was HNC-HND standard.
  • The STPM is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


The following qualifications grant exemption from standard English language requirements:

  • English 1119 with a minimum grade of C
  • MUET examination Level 4 for UG studies and Level 5 for PG studies
  • Level 109 in the Malaysia Certified Intensive English Programme
  • Grades A-C in English taken as part of the UEC

International Foundation Year:

UCLES O level / Secondary School Certificate (SSC)

  • Students with scores of 6 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • The UCLES A level / Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


  • A score of C in English language in the UCLES A level / HSC would exempt holders from English requirements

International Foundation Year:


  • Students with a minimum score of 12-13 can usually be accepted for entrance to the IFP
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur / Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales can usually be accepted for direct entrance to Bachelor Programmes
  • Diplôme de Licence Students with a minium score of 14 can usually be considered for entrance to the 2nd year of a relevant Bachelor programme
  • Diplôme d’Ingénieur / Master / Diplôme de Maitrise Students with a minimum score of 14 can usually be considered for entrance to the final year of a relevant Bachelor programme

International Foundation Year:

Baccalauréat / Diplôme de Bachelier de I'Enseignement du Second Degré

  • Students with a minimum grade of 12 would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 12 in the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur /Diplôme d'Études Universitaires Générales can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

  • Holders of the General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level with at least 5 subjects at grade C would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • The Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate / General Certificate of Education Advanced Level are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.
  • University Diplomas with a minimum of 60% can be considered for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor degree


The following qualifications grant exemption from standard English language requirements:

  • General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level with a Grade C with a grade C in English language
  • The Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate / General Certificate of Education Advanced Level with a Grade C in English language

International Foundation Year:

Título de Bachiller / Bachiller Tecnológico / Técnico

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 6 in the Técnico Superior Universitario / Profesional Asociado can typically be considered for entrance onto the second year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Atestat de Studii Medii de Cultură Generală - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 7 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 7 in the Diplomă de Bacalaureat can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes


  • Students with a minimum score of 12 in the Baccalauréat can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes


  • Applicants who have completed the International Option of the Baccalaureate are exempt from English language requirements.

International Foundation Year:

Бурэн дунд боловсролын унэмлэх (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education)

  • Students with a score of 70% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Техникийн болосролын унэмлэх (Certificate of Technical Education)

  • A Certificate of Technical Education with a minimum of 70% in each subject is normally accepted for entrance to a Bachelor programme


  • Students with a minimum score of 3 in the Maturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

 ال بكالوری ا شهادة – Diplôme du Baccalauréat / Technique

  • Students with a minimum score of 12/20 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 12/20 in the الم تخ صص ال ت ق ني دب لوم/ الﺴاﻤي الﺘقﻨي ﻤؤﻫل (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur / Diplôme de Technicien Spécialisé) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Certificado de Habilitaçoes Literarias

  • Students with a minimum score of 10 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students will need to complete a recognised International Foundation Year for entrance onto Bachelor degree programmes

  • Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Grau de Bacharel can typically be considered for admission to the second year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Standard X Examination / Matriculation Examination

  • Students with a minimum score of 40% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Holders of an Associate Degree of Diploma with a minimum score of 50% are eligible for entrance to bachelor programmes
  • Holders of a 3 year Bachelor degree from a NARIC or government recognised institutions with a minimum score of 50% can be considered for entrance to the second year of a bachelor programmes
  • Holders of a 4 year Bachelor degree from a NARIC or government recognised institution with a minimum score of 50% can be considered for entrance to the final year of a bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Students with minimum marks of C would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year

  • The Cambridge Overseas School Certificate and GCE O level are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSEs.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (Higher Level)

  • Students with a minimum of 6 subjects

Polytechnic or University Diploma

  • Students with a minimum score of 70% can be considered for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes

Students who have completed a Bachelor degree prior to 2008 can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of bachelor programmes

Degrees from private universities must be accredited by the National Council for Higher Education. Please check with NARIC for status of private university programme accreditation


Students with grades A-C in English language in the Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate are exempt from English language requirements

International Foundation Year:

Higher Secondary Certificate

  • Students with an average of 45% will usually be eligible for the International Foundation year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) when an overall score of 55% or higher is achieved.
  • Proficiency Certificates with a minimum of 55%
  • Diplomas from Tribhuvan University and CVET with a second division
  • Bachelor degrees of 2-3 years duration can be considered for entry to the second year of Bachelor degrees
  • Bachelor degrees of 3-4 years duration can be considered for entry to the final year of Bachelor degrees.


  • Students with a total of more than 80 credits and a majority of Merits / Excellence in the University Entrance Certificate with National Certificate in Educational Achievement Level 3 can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes


New Zealand is recognised as an English language exempt country by the Home Office: 

International Foundation Year:


  • Students with a minimum score of 70% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 70% in the Técnico Superior can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Baccalauréat / Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré

  • Students with a minimum score of 12-13 can usually be accepted for entrance to the IFP
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programme


  • Students with a minimum score of 14 can be considered for final year entrance to a relevant degree programme

International Foundation Year:

West African Senior School Certificate Examination, NECO Senior School Certificate or General Certificate of Education Ordinary

  • Students with five passes at grade C or above would usually be eligible for the IFY.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 in the National Diploma can typically be considered for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes.
  • Students with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 in the Ordinary National Diploma can typically be considered for direct entrance to the first year of Bachelor programmes.
  • Students with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 in the Higher National Diploma can typically be considered for direct entrance onto the final year of Bachelor programmes.
  • The West African GCE Advanced Levels are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


The following qualifications offer English exemption:

  • WAEC C6 (equivalent to IELTS 6.0)

If you do not meet the criteria above then you require an Academic IELTS.


  • Students with a minimum score of 3 in the Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole (Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School) can normally be considered for admission onto Bachelor programmes


A score of 4 in English language in the Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole would exempt students from English requirements

International Foundation Year:

لوم ال ت ع ل یم ال عام – General Education Diploma

  • Students holding the General Education Diploma with a score of 65% would usually be accepted.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 65%, C+ or GPA of 2.3 in the ال دب لوم (Diploma) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 65%, C+ or GPA of 2.3 in the دب لوم / دب لوم عال ي (Higher / Advanced Diploma) can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of Bachelor programmes dependent upon module mapping.

International Foundation Year:

Higher Secondary Certificate

  • Students holding the Higher Secondary Certificate with an average of 60% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS please check relevant course page for required score


  • Students with a minimum score of 45% or Division II in a bachelor degree of 2-3 years duration can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programme.
  • Students with a minimum score of 45% or Division II in a bachelor degree of 3-4 years duration can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of a bachelor programme.


  • Academic or UKVI IELTS no older than 2 years and must meet the requirement of the course of study.
  • Cambridge IGCSE English with Grade C
  • Completion of UK degree in the UK within the past two years

International Foundation Year:

شهادة ال ثان وی ة ال عامة – General Secondary Education Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 60% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 70% in the دب لوم ك ل یات ال مج تمع (Community College Diploma) can be typically considered for entrance onto the second year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:


  • Students with a minimum score of 3 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.

High School Graduation Diploma

  • Students with a minimum score of 75% or C would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 71% in the Técnico can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Higher School Certificate

  • Students with a minimum grade of C would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year


  • Students will need to complete a recognised International Foundation Year for entrance onto Bachelor degree programmes

International Foundation Year:

Título de Bachillerato

  • Students with a minimum score of 6/10 or 3/5 would be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 3/5 in the Título de Tecnólogo Superior can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa

  • Students with a minimum score of 13 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Título de Profesional Técnico

  • Students with a minimum score of 13 in the Título de Profesional Técnico can typically be considered for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes

Título de Profesional

  • Students with a minimum score of 13 in the Título de Profesional can typically be considered for entrance onto the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

  • Students holding the High School Diploma with an average of 70% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Bachelor degrees from non-prestigious universities with a minimum score of 70% can be considered for entrance onto the second year of a Bachelor degree programme
  • Bachelor degrees in a professional or paramedical subject with a minimum score of 70% can be considered for entrance onto the final year of a Bachelor programme.

International Foundation Year:

High School Graduation Diploma

  • Students with a minimum score of C or 2.00 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 70% in the Associate degree can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

ال شهادة ال ثان وی ة ال عامة ل لمدارس ال م س ت ق لة – Senior School Certificate (Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama)

  • Students with a grade C or Good

Grading system:

Percentage: 88 - 100% / Letter Grade: A / Descriptor: Excellent

Percentage: 75 - 87% / Letter Grade: B / Descriptor: Excellent

Percentage: 63 - 74% / Letter Grade: C / Descriptor: Good

  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum GPA of 3.0/5 in the ال شهادة ال جام ع یة ال م تو سطة (Associate Degree) can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Свидетельство о результатах ЕГЭ (единого государственного экзамена) - Certificate of Unified State Examination)

  • Students with the Certificate of Unified State Examination would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required
  • Certificate of Unified State Examination (AS level equivalent) with a pass grade (minimum pass grade changes year to year on a scale of 1 - 100)


  • Students with a minimum grade of 3 in the Диплом о среднем профессиональном образовании (базовый уровень) (Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education (basic level)) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Students with the Ordinary Level Certificate of Education with grades of D1-C6, a score of 50% in the Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires would be eligible for the International Foundation Year

  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 70% in the Certificat du Cycle Supérieur de l'Enseignement Secondaire (Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education) can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programme
  • Students with a minimum score of 60% or C+ in the Baccalauréat / Diplôme de Bachelier (Certificate of Higher Education) can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programme


  • Students with a grade of C in English language in the Ordinary Level Certificate of Education would be exempt from English language requirements

International Foundation Year:

Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year

New Zealand University Entrance Certificate

  • Students with a minimum grade of C are eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum grade of C1 in a Bachelor degree from the National University of Samoa can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor programme.

International Foundation Year:

شهادة ال ثان وی ة ال عامة – General Secondary Education Certificate

  • Students with an overall score of 70% in the General Secondary Education Certificate would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


دب لوم ال ك ل یات / ال م عاهد ال صح یة – Diploma from a Health College / Institute

دب لوم ال ك ل یات ال ت ق ن یة / ال م عاهد ال ف ن یة – Diploma from a Technical College / Vocational institute

  • Holders of the above awards with a minimum GPA of 3.0/5 are eligible for entrance onto a Bachelor programme.

ال شهادة ال جام ع یة ال م تو سطة – Associate Degree

  • The Associate degree in Health Sciences with a minimum GPA 3.0/5 of will be considered for entrance to the second year of a Bachelor degree.

ال شهادة ال جام ع یة ال م تو سطة ف ي ال ع لوم ال صح یة – Intermediate University Degree in Health Sciences

  • The Intermediate University degree in Health Sciences with a minimum GPA 3.0/5 of will be considered for entrance to the second year of a Bachelor degree.

International Foundation Year:

Baccalauréat / Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré

  • Students with a minimum score of 12-13 can usually be accepted for entrance to the IFP
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur / Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur / Universitaire de Technologie can typically be considered for 2nd year entrance to a relevant Bachelor programme
  • Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Diplôme d’Ingénieur Technologue / Licence can typically be considered for 3rd year entrance to a relevant Bachelor programme


  • Students with a minimum score of 3.5 in the Диплома о положеном завршном испиту / Diploma o položenom završnom ispitu (Diploma of Completed Final Examination) can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programme

International Foundation Year:

West African Senior School Certificate Examination / General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

  • Student with five passes at Grade C in either of the above awards would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 in the Ordinary National Diploma can typically be considered for entry to the first year of bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 in the Higher National Diploma can typically be considered for entry to the third year of bachelor programmes
  • The General Certificate of Education Advanced Levels is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.

Pass / General Bachelor degree

  • Students who have completed the above award from a NARIC or government recognised institution may be eligible for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor degree


The following qualifications offer English exemption:

  • English with a grade of C6 in the WASSC or GCSE O level
  • MOI letter for Bachelor and Master Degrees or Diplomas etc.

International Foundation Year:

Singapore / Cambridge GCE O Level

  • Students holding the Singapore / Cambridge GCE O Level with a grades 1-6 (A1-C6) in each subject would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • The Singapore / Cambridge GCE A Level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels
  • Students who have taken the Integrated Programme will exit with A levels, comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels – they will not have GCSE equivalent. Students with the IP are highest academic achievers as they skip GCSE year.
  • Students holding a Polytechnic Certificate from a recognised public institution with a minimum score of 2.0, grade C or 60% will usually be considered for entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • A Polytechnic Advanced Diploma from a recognised public institution with a GPA of 2.0, grade of C or 60% will be considered for entrance onto the final year of a Bachelor programme
  • Qualifications from private institutions registered with the Singapore Council for Private Education will be considered on a case by case basis


  • The following qualifications grant exemption from standard English language requirements:
  • O level Grade C6 or above in English language
  • A level Grade C6 or above in English language
  • Singapore Integrated Programme with grade C in English
  • Bachelor degrees

International Foundation Year:

Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 5 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year

Solomon Islands School Certificate

  • Students with a minimum grade of C would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students will need to complete a recognised International Foundation Year for entrance onto Bachelor degree programmes

International Foundation Year:

Secondary School Leaving Certificate

  • Students with an overall score of 70% in the Secondary School Leaving Certificate would be usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 70% in a Laurea/Bachelor degree from Lafole College can be typically be considered for entrance to the second year of bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum grade of 75% in a Laurea/Bachelor degree from a NARIC recognised institution can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor programme

International Foundation Year:

  • Students with a minimum score of 50% in the National Senior Certificate would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum of 70% in the National Senior Certificate can typically be accepted for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes


The following qualifications grant exemption from English language requirements

  • A score of C or 60% in English in the Senior Certificate
  • A score of 4 in the National Senior Certificate

International Foundation Year:

고등학교 졸업장 / 고등학교 과정 수료증 - High School Diploma

  • Students with a minimum score of 60% or grade D would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.

High School Graduation Equivalency Examination – is an adult High school test and carries the same entrance requirements as the High School Diploma

  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 250 in the College Scholastic Aptitude Test and 60% in the High School Diploma can be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes on a case by case basis
  • Students with a minimum score of 80% or GPA or 3.0/4.5 in the준학사(Junior College Diploma / Associate Degree) can be considered for entrance to the second year of a bachelor programme

International Foundation Year:

Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

  • Students holding the Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level with a minimum of grade C in 5 subjects would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • The Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education Advanced Level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.

International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate before 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 2 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied before 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • The GCE Ordinary level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSEs


  • Students with a minimum score of IV in either the Associate degree or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • The GCE Advanced level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels


International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • The GCE Ordinary level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSEs


  • Students with a minimum score of 2.50 / 4 in a Diploma from Sir Arthur Lewis Community College are eligible for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of IV in either the Associate degree or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • The GCE Advanced level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels


International Foundation Year:

ال شهادة ال ثان وی ة – Sudan School Certificate

  • Students with an overall score of 50% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 60% in a ال دب لوم (Diploma from a higher institution) can typically be considered for direct admission to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

HAVO Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 7 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • IELTS 5.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in all components is also required

VWO Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of met genoegen in the Polytechnic College Certificate would be considered for entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

  • The Cambridge Overseas School Certificate and GCE O level are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSEs.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum grade of 2:2 in a 2-3 year duration Bachelor degree can typically be considered for direct entrance to bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum grade of 2:2 in a 4-5 year duration Bachelor degree can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of bachelor programmes
  • Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


  • Students with grades 1-6 in English language in the Swaziland General Certificate of Secondary Education would be exempt from English language requirements.

International Foundation Year:

شهادة ال درا سة ال ثان وی ة ال عامة – General Secondary Certificate

  • Holders of the Al Shadhada al-Thanawiyya al-Amma with an overall score of 85% and 85% in relevant degree subject would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 70% in the شهادة م ساعد ال مجاز (Associate Degree) can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of Bachelor programmes.

International Foundation Year:

高級中學畢業證書 – Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 60% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


高職學校畢業證書 (Senior Vocational High School Leaving Certificate)

  • Students with a minimum score of 65% can usually be considered for direct entrance to year 1 in a relevant subject.
  • Students with a minimum score of 65% in the專科學校畢業書 (Associate Degree) can typically be considered for entrance onto the second year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Аттестат о среднем полно) образовании - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 3 in a Дипломи бакалавр (Bachelor degree) can typically be considered for entrance to the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

  • The Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) / National Form IV / Secondary School Leaving Certificate / Cambridge Overseas School Certificate with a minimum of 5 C grades.
  • East African Certificate of Education with an average grade of 5
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education / National Form VI / Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate / East African Certificate of Education are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


The following qualifications grant exemptions from the English requirements:

  • The Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) / National Form IV / Secondary School Leaving Certificate / Cambridge Overseas School Certificate with a grade C in English language

International Foundation Year:

  • Students with the Maw 6 or Certificate of Vocational Education with at least 50% in each subject would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum GPA of 2.3 in an Advanced Diploma can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Troisiéme Degré

  • Students with a minimum score of 12-13 can usually be accepted for entrance to the IFP
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur / Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes XXX can typically be considered for direct entrance to a Bachelor programmes
    Students with a minimum score of 14 in the Licence can typically be considered for 3rd year entrance to a relevant Bachelor programme

International Foundation Year:

Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 5 would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year

New Zealand University Entrance Certificate

  • Students with a minimum grade of C would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students will need to complete a recognised International Foundation Year for entrance onto Bachelor degree programmes

International Foundation Year:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate from 1998

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 at General Proficiency in the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate when studied from 1998 onwards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • The GCE Ordinary level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSEs


  • Students with a minimum score of IV in either the Associate degree or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • The GCE Advanced level is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


Trinidad and Tobago is recognised as an English language exempt country by the Home Office 

International Foundation Year:

شهادة ال ب كال وری ا - Baccalauréat

  • Students with a minimum score of 12/20 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 12/20 in the مؤهل التقني السامي (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 12/20 in the دب لوم ال م عهد ال عال ي ل لدرا سات ال ت ك نول وج یة (Diplôme) can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of a Bachelor degree

International Foundation Year:

Devlet Lise Diplomasi / Lise Bitirme Diplomasi – State / Private High School Diploma

  • Students with a minimum score of 55 or 3/5 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the Ön-Lisans Diplomasi can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Şahadatnama orta blim hakynda - Certificate of Complete Secondary Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 3 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 3 in the Diplom yörite orta bilim barada (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

East African Certificate of Education / Uganda Certificate of Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 or C in either of the above awards would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • The Cambridge Overseas School Certificate is comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK GCSEs.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • The Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education, Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate and East African Advanced Certificate of Education are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


  • Students with grades 1-6 in English language in the Uganda Certificate of Education would be exempt from English language requirements

International Foundation Year:

Aтестат про повну загальну середню освіту (Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education)

  • Students with a minimum mark of 3 / 5 or 5/ 12 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum of grade 3 in the Диплом о среднем профессиональном образовании (базовый уровень) (Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education (basic level)) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

شهادة ال درا سة ال ثان وی ة ال عامة – General Secondary Education Certificate

  • Students with a score of 75% would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum GPA of 2.3 in a ال دب لوم ال جام عي (University Diploma) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum GPA of 2.3 in an ال شهادة ال جام ع یة ال م تو سطة (Associate Degree) can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of a Bachelor degree

International Foundation Year:

  • Students with a High School Graduation Diploma (Grade 12) would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year subject to obtaining a minimum of 70%, GPA of 2.0 or grade C.


Applicants meeting the following requirements are usually eligible for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes

  • High School Diploma or General Educational Development with a GPA of 3.0

Plus one of the following:

  • Standard SATs with a minimum of 1600/2400 in each subject
  • New SATs 1060/1600 – we do not require the optional Essay score
  • ACT score of 24+
  • Three Advanced Placement subjects with a minimum score of 3

Where specific subjects are requested, we can accept an old subject SAT test with a minimum of 500, a new subject SAT with a minimum score of 550, an AP with a minimum score of 3 or High School Honours Classes with a minimum GPA of 3.0.

A two year Associate Degree with a GPA of 3/4 is also acceptable for entrance to the second year of certain programmes


The United States of America is recognised as an English language exempt country by the Home Office: 

International Foundation Year:

Título de Bachillerato

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 8 in a Título de “subject area” award can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

O'rta Ma'lumot To'g'risida Shahodatnoma- Certificate of Completed Secondary Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 56% or satisfactory would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students would be required to complete a recognised International Foundation Year 

International Foundation Year:

Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate

  • Students with a minimum score of 5 would usually be eligible for entrance to the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


New Zealand University Entrance and Bursary Examinations

  • Students with a minimum score of over 250 in the New Zealand University Entrance and Bursary Examinations can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Título de Bachiller / Técnico Medio

  • Students with a minimum score of 12 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year.
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 14/20 in the Técnico Superior Universitario can typically be considered for entrance onto the first year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Phổ Thông Trung Học - Upper Secondary School Graduation Diploma

  • Holders of the Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate with a score of 5 would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum GPA of 6.0 in the Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Cấp Chuyên Nghiệp (Intermediate Professional Education Diploma) can typically be considered for direct entrance for Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum GPA of 6.0 in the Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Cao Đẳng (College Diploma / Associate degree) can typically be considered for entrance to the second year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

شهادة ال ثان وی ة ال عامة – General Secondary Education Certificate

  • Holders of the General Secondary Education Certificate with a score of 50 in every subject would usually be eligible for the International Foundation Year
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Students with a minimum score of 70% in either a شهادة ال ت ع ل یم ال ف ني (certificate in Technical Education) or a ال دب لوم ال عال ي (A higher diploma from a Community College) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 63% in a دب لوم ال جام عات (Diploma from a University) can typically be considered for direct entrance to Bachelor programmes
  • Students with a minimum score of 63% in the ال ب كال وری وس (Bachelor degree) can typically be considered for entrance onto the final year of Bachelor programmes

International Foundation Year:

School Certificate / General Certificate of Education

  • Students with a minimum score of 6 in either of the above awards would usually be eligible for the IFY
  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


  • Holders of the DTVET Diploma can usually be considered for entrance to Bachelor degrees.
  • Students who have completed a Bachelor degree from a NARIC or government recognised institution can be considered for entrance to the final year of a Bachelor degree.
  • Requirements will vary dependant on scoring system used and applications will be considered on a case by case basis.


  • Students with grades 1-6 in English language in the School Certificate / General Certificate of Education would be exempt from English language requirements

International Foundation Year:

Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level / General Certificate of Education

  • UKVI IELTS 4.5 with a minimum of 4.0 in all components (CEFR B1) is also required


Students with a minimum score of 60% in the National Diploma can typically be considered for direct entrance onto Bachelor programmes
Students with a minimum score of 60% in the Higher National Diploma can typically be considered for entrance onto the final year of a Bachelor programmes
The Cambridge Higher School Certificate and General Certificate of Education Advanced Level are comparable in terms of grading and equivalence to UK A levels.


The following qualifications grant exemption from standard English language requirements:

  • Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level with English language at grade C
  • General Certificate of Education / General Certificate of Education Advanced level with English language at grade C
  • Cambridge Higher School Certificate with English language at grade C