Computer Science student interview video transcript

Alice: It's time now to learn more about one of our subject areas. Computing at Derby can take you from game design to cybersecurity. 

We're now joined by final year student on Computer Science: Software Development, Sam Voltolini. Welcome Sam. 

Sam: Thank you, thank you very much.

Alice: So what made you choose the University of Derby?

Sam: Well it goes back to 2020 actually. One of my friends attended to the Open Day, in Derby. He knew that I wanted to pursue computer science and then we had a conversation. He mentioned how the computing labs are, all the technology that they have on campus and everything. And basically, he convinced me to apply for Computer Science at Derby. 

I was living in Nottingham at the time, yeah. So I applied for Computer Science in Derby, then I moved to Derby. From Nottingham to Derby and started my course in 2020. 

Alice: And what's been the highlight of your course so far?

Sam: I think it was probably my, the opportunity I had to pursue my career at the Met Office. I had a lot of support from the university, especially from the placement team. I think that was great, actually. I had so much support from the university and my experience at the Met Office working from people like all around the world was, was really insane. It was really cool, really nice. 

Alice: And, so what new skills and knowledge did you learn while on this placement?

Sam: Well, I think working with people was probably one of the biggest difference for me, something that I really learned from the Met Office. They have loads of different partners like Australia and New Zealand, South Africa, India. And working directly with the government, people from different culture, you know, different mindsets, different ways of, of thinking. I think that was really great actually. I'm probably going to take that along with me and also all the technology they have.

The Met Office is really known for, to have like one of the best weather forecasting technology in the world. So working like with, you know, top technology was, was great, was really interesting. 

Alice: And how do you feel that this placement is going to help you in your future career?

Sam: Definitely open doors for my, my future. I again, I've learned so much from it. All the new technologies that are available at the moment. Probably I have a little better understanding about it because I was working for them. 

So, I also worked close with the Microsoft Engineers, Cloud engineers. So that's the new technology that they are bringing to the UK, to the Met Office. It's a very expensive technology as well. So that's a brand new thing that most companies in the UK will use, start bringing that to their business at some point. So I have a bit of knowledge on that as well. So I think that will be great for me after graduation, yeah. 

Alice: And what about technology that you've used at the university? How have you found that?

Sam: Well, I've used, as a computer science student, I use some of the computing labs, especially the VR lab, which is great. I developed one of my best projects on a VR lab, which was basically like a high school classroom where people could interact with their lecturers. It was specific for people with disability, so you could interact virtually with the lecturers without the physical contact. 

So that was a technology that is available at the University of Derby and I made use of it and it was great, yeah.

Alice: And what about your lecturers throughout this process? Have they been supportive? How have they helped you along the way?

Sam: Definitely, my lecturer from software engineering supported me a lot to get my placement at the Met Office. One of the interview processes was to have a presentation about software engineering, was a one hour presentation, so I really need to know as much as I could to, you know, to present very well my ideas about software engineering to them at the Met Office, and he really supported me, like all the way, all through the process. I remember that he asked me to send my presentation to him and he checked all my presentation, everything that could be improved. So yes, I really got loads of support from him. So I'm really grateful for that.

Alice: And am I right in thinking that you've joined the Erasmus scheme as well?

Sam: Yes. 

Alice: What did you get from that?

Sam: Yes, so during my second year I applied for the Erasmus scheme. I went to Romania for two weeks, it's very different. It's a beautiful country. The food is amazing. I worked with one university in Romania to try to change their computer science curriculum, basically. Try to improve to bring new technologies. New way of the students to make like mobile applications and this kind of things to their course. So, I stayed two weeks there, I help them to improve their computer science curriculum during the summer. So it was great, yeah. 

Alice: And what advice would you give to anybody thinking of studying computing at Derby? 

Sam: I think it's a great and diverse place to be. I love it. All the support I got from, you know, from software engineering lecturers, all the lecturers I had, it was great. I loved it. Also, this city is amazing. I love nature and the Peak District, it's just one of the best places you can go. You know, you should just once a week like a refresh or something. Peak District is amazing, is beautiful. People are really supportive. So yeah, it definitely is a place I can recommend anyone who wants to do computer science to be. 

Alice: That's great. Thank you very much. And all the best with the rest of your studies.

Sam: Thank you, thank you very much. 

Alice: And all the best for your future career. Thanks, Sam.

Computer Science student interview video

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