Elliot's aim is to heal the planet

Elliot Wong is looking for solutions. He knows our environment needs some help. And he is taking the first steps on his path by studying our BSc (Hons) Environmental Science and Sustainability.

Innovative solutions

Elliot is passionate about his subject and keen to make a positive impact on the world. He acknowledges environmental sustainability is becoming a more and more pressing issue. He highlights:

• Wildfires in Europe
• Land degradation in Asia
• Ocean acidification

He says: “There is an increasing need to educate the next generation to mitigate these problems and provide novel and innovative solutions to the harmful impact that human activity is having on the planet. Derby is one of the very few universities to offer a specialised course on this topic.”

In choosing the course, he was impressed with how we looked after our own environment. He explains: “The University also encourages environmentally sustainability, with sites being hedgehog friendly, with wildflower meadows, and bird and bat boxes installed. This echoes the knowledge taught on the course.”

A butterfly sitting on a wild flower

Inspiring lecturers

Elliot has been impressed at how our research-active teaching team bring their in-depth and specialist knowledge to their teaching. He says: “The course is taught by experts in the field. It’s a course focused on the future."

“The lecturers inspire me to go out and learn for myself. They are established and successful researchers. They are approachable, friendly, and always willing to answer any queries. They are truly passionate about the course, and I have always felt supported in my studies as staff go and above and beyond.

Not only is content taught in the lecture theatres and labs, students also get to go on a range of fieldtrips. Elliot says: “Most fieldtrips involve practical hands-on experience, such as collecting data and using ecological surveys or being guided around facilities by experts in their field and learning about the solutions to the environmental problems they face.”

His fieldtrips have ranged from visiting Nestle Waters’ main site and its water production sites to Rosliston forestry centre, a historical mine and a gold processing facility.

A male walking through a woods in autumn

World-wide opportunities

As Elliot looks to the future, he can see a host of opportunities opening up. He says: “There is a growing body of careers in environmental sustainability. And our course covers topics which are only becoming more important each day."

“It focuses on the impacts of environmental degradation and how governments, businesses and organisations have and are developing innovative solutions to help build a sustainable future, equipping students with the knowledge and practical skills they need to go on to either study further or a career in environmental sustainability.”

And Elliot is keeping his options open. He is considering staying in education and studying for a master's degree. And then, perhaps, pursuing a career in environmental consultancy.

He says: “International organisations are rapidly trying to find solutions to the world’s issues. Careers prospects in environmental sustainability are expanding, and it is becoming more critical in all sectors.”