BA (Hons) Sport Coaching and Coach Development at Derby video transcript

Hi, my name's Luke Gibson and I'm a Senior Lecturer and Sport Coach at the University of Derby and I'm Programme Leader for the Foundation Degree in Sport Performance and Analysis. In addition to those roles I'll be teaching you across all three years on the Sport Coaching and Development programme, so you'll see me in the first year in Coaching and Skill Acquisition and then you'll see me in the second year for two modules: Sport Development in Practice and Community Sport and Physical Activity Development, and then you'll see me in the third year on Adaptive Coaching Theory and Practice. So yeah, you see me across all three years and then potentially as well if I go on to supervise you for your independent study, but that's a conversation for a later date, my research area and the focus of my PhD was around managerial organisational change in professional football and so typically I'm interested in what happens when a change is made in a professional football club, whether that be a change in new owners, a change in a first-team manager, a change in academy staff and when those changes take place how are new working practices implemented? How are new philosophies implemented? New playing styles, coaching curriculums and how are those received by current staff that are working there. How are they implemented by new staff that have come in? What impact does this have on professional working relationships? What impact does this have on the coaching practice and how individuals make sense of this whole experience.

So typically that's essentially what I'm interested in, what I'm currently conducting different types of research in at the minute as well. In addition to my research area i'm also a UEFA B licensed coach and currently working in the industry at the minute as an Assistant Manager in the same professional football environment. I've also worked as a coach in community sport and community football organisations, and I've worked in professional football academies working with a range of ages from under 16, under 15's and 11's and I'm also currently also the Assistant Head Coach of the England University Squad. So I've got quite a vast experience in working in a variety of football environments and obviously that kind of helps with my my teaching, helps with my research as well, so yeah that's just a brief overview of what it is that I do and if there's any other questions that you have about, so the modules, or about what is that I do, or about the programme, my email address is

BA (Hons) Sport Coaching and Coach Development at Derby video

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