Honorary Awards Committee

The University of Derby Honorary Awards Committee

The Title and Powers of the Committee

Since 1991, honorary awards have been recommended by the Honorary Awards Panel and formally approved by the Academic Board. In 2005 it was agreed by the Academic Board and the Governing Council that a newly constituted committee, to be called the University Honorary Awards Committee, should be formed. This Committee is delegated powers by the Academic Board to consider and decide the conferment of honorary awards. The Committee is, however, accountable to the Academic Board and Governing Council for the conduct of the process. In 2022, it was agreed that the Committee would also consider and decide the conferment of civic awards to honour individuals making a significant contribution to the community.

The Terms of Reference

The conferment of honorary and civic awards is fundamentally about the formal recognition of individuals whose activities and achievements the University wishes to honour. The function of the Committee is to consider the evidence submitted to the Committee in confidence and decide whether the individuals proposed should become recipients of honorary or civic awards.

There is a range of honorary degrees and titles that may be awarded. The actual award conferred depends upon the type and extent of the achievements. Consideration of the individual should take place without the knowledge of that individual and the content of the meetings is strictly confidential.

The Committee must ensure that due consideration is given to ensure the following:

Rescinding Honorary Awards

The University Honorary Awards Committee also has powers to rescind awards from individuals who through their actions, in the opinion of the Committee, have brought the University into disrepute. The exercise of these powers shall be rare and may only be taken after thorough consideration of the relevant evidence at a meeting of the full Committee. The holder of the award should be given a full opportunity to respond to the University's proposed action before a final decision is taken.

The composition and initial membership

The Honorary Awards Committee is to be formally constituted jointly by the Academic Board and Governing Council. Academic Board and Governing Council may change the representatives as deemed necessary and appropriate.

Composition and membership (Total of 12 Members)

Governing Council (4)

Academic Board (4)

Co-opted Members (up to 2)



The quorum for meetings is seven members including at least three members of Governing Council.

Reporting back to Governing Council and Academic Board

Once a written indication of acceptance of their awards by the honorands has been received, the Secretary shall report the names of the honorands and the titles of their awards to the next available meeting of the Governing Council and Academic Board.