Safeguarding Policy

Managing disclosures

How does safeguarding affect me?

Safeguarding affects all individuals in society and we all have a role to play in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.

Abuse can happen anywhere, in any situation. It can come in many forms, sometimes visible, many times not and it can be very good at disguising itself. It does not just occur in underprivileged situations, and it does not discriminate.

Staff and students alike have a duty to be alert to the possible signs of abuse and then act on those concerns. The Safeguarding Policy applies to all university staff, applicants, students, volunteers, anyone representing the University and visitors to the University. The policy applies to face-to-face activities and activities delivered online.

What are the types of abuse and how do I spot the signs?

Abuse and neglect can come in the following forms:

The signs may include changes in behaviour, absence from class or social groups, physical marks or bruising or a lack of personal care. Take a look at this useful video for more information. 

What should I do if I have a concern?

Safeguarding is everybody's concern. If you have a concern about a member of our University community you must report this using the Cause for concern reporting form. Even if you are not sure if the concern constitutes safeguarding, please report it.

Raise all concerns, no matter how small you think it might be. No concern is too small to share.

It is your responsibility to report. The Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSL) will determine what action(s) will be taken.

If there is an immediate risk to life, violence or other emergency situation, you must contact 999 and raise this immediately with the DSL and security followed by completing the Cause for concern reporting form.