Category: Student Life

Headshot of student Arvin Johal

Arvin shares his daily routine and how he maintains a healthy work-life balance when studying from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A man sitting down using a laptop

MSc Ergonomics online student Alawi Almajid shares his top tips of how to get the best out of your online learning experience.

Mercy sitting at a table in a cafe with a cup of coffee in front of her

International student, Mercy Oluchi Okorie describes her experience of arriving and studying at the University.

Laura Stroud standing in front of a wooden front door with potted bushes either side

Laura Stroud describes her experience of studying a postgraduate course and how she discovered a new-found sense of belonging.

Smiling woman holding an iPad in one hand and raising the other arm in joy

Emma Rodrigues, Occupational Therapy student, has immersed herself in every opportunity that's come her way, and sourced many more. Emma shares her experiences of studying abroad, volunteering, presenting at conferences, and being a society advocate.

Top down of a desk with a coffee and a laptop with somebody typing

A detailed account of a disabled mature student's experience of starting university.

Sign on the wall of the City of Miami Black Police Precinct and Courthouse Museum

Second-year Criminology students recently had the opportunity to see first-hand how the American criminal justice system works. Student Danielle Poulter, now in her final year, tells us about her experience, meeting inmates in jail and sitting in on a murder trial.

Students playing pool and table tennis in a halls common area

Student Sam Chikowore makes the case for staying in (or moving into) university halls of residence: events, all-inclusive bills, security and more.

A picture of international student Marcus Chan on a bridge in a city

International transfer student Marcus Chan offers some tips and advice on how to cope with moving away from home to come to university in the UK.

A group of students gathered around a table in a halls common room

Sam Chikowore lifts the lid on what it's like to work as a residential assistant in one of our University halls of residence.