Category: Student Life

Looking at the sunset through an aeroplane window over a wing

Tereza Rydlova left the Czech Republic to study Marketing in the UK. Despite not knowing anyone, she found that adapting to life in Derby wasn't hard at all.

Chatsworth house

Matthew LeDoux-Deakin shares his experience of studying as a mature student and explains why the university experience can be just as rewarding as it is for younger students who've just left college or sixth form.

People browsing displays at Derby Museum

Undergraduate student Nigel Duffus shares his top five places to visit in Derby City when he's not studying.

Concert filled with people and bright lights

Student Thomas Berrington takes a look at his favourite spots in Derby for socialising, having fun and grabbing a bit of culture.

Mari outside the water special effects equipment in Malta

Film Production student Mari Olan shares her experience of studying abroad in Malta.

Dr William Van Gordon, Associate Professor in Contemplative Psychology at the University of Derby Online Learning, explores how to choose a New Year's resolution and the best ways to ensure you stick to them.

Students award

A Personal Academic Tutor is an essential part of your university journey. Student Beth shares how hers has helped her develop academically and personally.

Coffee, paper clips

Ray Lock, Student Records and Fees Manager at the University of Derby, explores fees and funding options for postgraduate degrees.

four friends at a restaurant table

Whether going solo or meeting with friends, our students share their favourite places to eat in Derby city.

Group of students

Business Management student Ioannis-Thomas Dimakopoulos explains how important societies can be for helping new students find their place at university.