Research news


A team of academics at the University of Derby has conducted the first study into the link between smartphone use, the number of selfies a person takes and how connected they feel to nature – and what this means for their health and wellbeing.

William Van Gordon standing in front of the Enterprise Centre

New research by the University of Derby into near-death experiences (NDEs) has shown that they can be induced through meditation, with wider implications for our understanding of the phenomena and our ability to examine what happens to a

Several men working out using weights

A new study by an international team of academics, including a senior lecturer from the University of Derby, has shown that drinking a supplement containing deep ocean minerals could provide significant benefits to middle-aged men both d

Scarce Yellow Sally Stonefly

A critically endangered species of stonefly – thought to be extinct in many European countries – has been rediscovered in North Wales by a team of researchers at the University of Derby, after 22 years’ absence in the UK.

Professor Garza Reyes receiving an award

A University of Derby professor of Operations Management has been presented with the prestigious Outstanding Researcher award at a conference in Bandung, Indonesia, in front of 300 delegates from around 50 countries.  

Photo of the University including some of the sports pitch

People who are less emotionally stable are more likely to be addicted to their smartphones, according to a new research study.  

William Van Gordon standing in front of the Enterprise Centre

A team of academics has conducted the first study into the effectiveness of compassion meditation for treating fibromyalgia, a debilitating pain condition, which recently hit the headlines for causing Lady Gaga to cancel her world tour.

A team of UK aquatic biologists have induced coral spawning over a full reproductive cycle for the first time by successfully maintaining the environmental conditions of coral reef environments in closed system aquariums.

Meditation sessions can help cure people who are addicted to work, according to a new study by the University of Derby.

A state-of-the-art Data Visualisation Laboratory (DVL) is to be installed at the University of Derby’s brand new STEM Centre, addressing the need for a specialist teaching facility for data analytics and supporting the globally recognise.

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