Research news

A new study published in the Journal for Geographical Research: Biogeosciences has shed new light on how microorganisms move through dryland landscapes attached to wind-blown dust and then alter the surfaces that they land on.

Black and white photograph of Margaret Thatcher sat on a chair

New research suggests that the economic restructuring undertaken by the Thatcher governments in the early-1980s led to more school children ‘giving up’ on their studies, truanting from school and subsequently becoming involved in crime, often in to their adult years.

A previously undiscovered disease which threatens the health of coral reefs has been found by researchers from the University of Derby. Grey patch disease has been discovered affecting coral in Micronesia.

Maltese audiences get the chills with theatrical Sèance from University of Derby lecturer

This Halloween, horror superfans are set to have their steady nerves tested with a new one man show exploring the Victorian Séance by University of Derby lecturer, Dr Thomas Craig.

Person holding a phone showing the Shmapped good things in nature study app

Study shows that noticing wildlife and nature in open areas can be good for your mental health.

researcher with diving gear measuring coral underwater

A University of Derby researcher has received an international award for his idea to help conserve and restore the world’s coral reefs by identifying and quantifying a previously overlooked key threat to their existence.

Baby urchin with pencil tip

New research into co-culturing – raising juvenile sea urchins alongside lab-spawned corals – has found the technique produces an eight-times-higher survival rate in young corals, and could have major implications for the restoration of damaged reefs around the world.

A young girl standing in a meadow with a dandelion

Young people’s connection to nature drops sharply from the age of 11 and doesn’t recover until they are 30 – with significant implications for their engagement with pro-environmental behaviours like recycling or buying eco-friendly products.

The University of Derby's Kedleston Road site

Researchers at the University of Derby have found that introducing compassionate mind training to school staff significantly improves their mental wellbeing.  

A boy taking part in creative activities as part of This is Derby

A delegation showcasing the success of the This is Derby project has been invited to attend the International Arts in Society Conference, taking place in Lisbon, Portugal from 19-21 June.

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