Category: Wellbeing

a choir singing

The Covid-19 pandemic has kept us apart from our friends and family, but many people have found comfort in unusual places. One of them is singing together. Dr Yoon Irons, Research Fellow at the University of Derby, explores why singing has helped some many people and what benefits it can offer.

Second year student, Kieya looks outwards towards the sea.

Second-year International Tourism Management student, Kieya, talks about her completing her degree during the pandemic and explains the steps she took to support her wellbeing.

A dark haired female student leans on a wall smiling and laughing

Ioana Batcu is a third-year Business Management student. In her blog, she discusses the importance of looking after your wellbeing as a student. Her helpful advice to better your wellbeing is shared in 3 top tips, from her own experience of lowering her stress levels while maintaining fun within her daily routine.

Out of focus bushes frame two Sparrows sat on top of garden fence

Dr Iain Hamlin, Post-Doctoral Researcher, and Professor Miles Richardson, Head of the Nature Connectedness Research Group, examine how noticing, connecting with or spending time in nature during the coronavirus lockdowns has affected the wellbeing of both ourselves and our natural environment.

Laptop by an open window with an apple and a glass of water sitting next to it

Four Occupational Therapy students share how they managed to take on a role emerging placement with the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing team at the University of Derby and how they navigated this whilst working remotely due to Covid-19 restrictions.

A man sitting at a table clutching an empty bottle of spirits with his head resting on his arm. There is a half full tumbler of whiskey in front of him

Here, Dr Paula Holt MBE, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby and ex-British Army officer, discusses why a growing number of veterans are coming forward to deal with alcohol misuse after many years of struggling to ask for the help they need.

A group of four students relaxin an a University of Derby hall residence

Thomas Berrington describes his daily routine whilst studying Media and Marketing at the University of Derby.

A man with a laptop open on his lap working from his bed

Counselling and psychotherapy academic Yasuhiro Kotera, of the University of Derby, examines how working from home during the pandemic can affect our sense of wellbeing.

Student outside Markeaton Street smiling at the camera

Joanna Baker, Psychoeducation Co-ordinator and Therapist at the University of Derby, explains the steps new students can take to prepare themselves for the leap into higher education.

A man sitting cross-legged on a wooden floor with his head on his knee

University of Derby's Dr William Van Gordon and online MSc Psychology student Andrea King discuss five psychological tips for coping with chronic pain.