College of Arts, Humanities and Education staff

Suzanne Nelson wearing a purple top, smiling
Lecturer in Journalism

Suzanne Nelson teaches across the university's Journalism, Magazine Journalism, Specialist Sports Journalism and Football Journalism courses, specialising in online journalism, work-based learning and media law, regulation and ethics. Before joining the University of Derby, she worked in the regional news industry for 18 years.

Thomas Neuhaus speaking to colleagues at an event
Head of the Discipline of Humanities

Tom is Head of the Discipline of Humanities, responsible for managing programmes in History, English, Creative and Professional Writing, Publishing, American Studies, and Popular Music in Society.

Ryan Nutting in the University of Derby Atrium
Associate Lecturer in History

Ryan Nutting is a Lecturer in History and leads the MA Programme in Public History and Heritage. Ryan is eager to help our students understand and engage with the current issues and controversies facing the heritage sector.

Crispin Owen stood on the balcony in Markeaton Street.
University Technical Manager

Crispin Owen is a Technical Manager with responsibility for the strategic development, operation and management of high-quality and complex technical resources and support services across the College of Arts, Humanities and Education, College of Science and Engineering, and the Institute of Innovation in Sustainable Engineering.

Senior Lecturer in Childhood Studies

Kay previously worked as an Associate Lecturer in the Psychology Department at the University of Derby before moving across to the College of Education where she now teaches full-time on the Early Childhood programme.

Christine smiling
Associate Professor of Art Practice

Christine Parker is an Associate Professor of Art Practice. This means her writing and directing for the screen has achieved international reach and recognition.

Senior Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education

As a Senior Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education (ITE), Matthew is responsible for overseeing all of the Computing and ICT content across all of the ITE programmes at the University of Derby. He regularly provides continuous professional development opportunities for schools both within the locality and nationally.

Senior Lecturer in Performance

As Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer on the BA (Hons) Technical Theatre and Performance Design, Dr Penna is bringing over twenty years of professional performance design expertise and her research to teaching within Derby Theatre, contributing actively to its mission to engage, empower, inspire and enable audience through transformational learning and theatre.

Senior Lecturer in English Language

Dr Cara Penry Williams a Lecturer in English Language. As well as teaching undergraduate students, Cara researches topics in sociolinguistics and discourse analysis. I am available for PhD supervision on topics related to my expertise.

Profile picture taken in S tower.
Senior Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education and English subject leader

Rebecca is a Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education, teaching mainly on the BEd and MEdu.