College of Arts, Humanities and Education staff

Lecturer in Media Production & Media Studies

Mark Smith is a lecturer in Media Production and Media Studies.

Senior Partnership Development Manager/Senior Lecturer

A Senior Lecturer and Partnership Development Manager in Primary Education, Julie Somers teaches across the ITE programmes and manages the placement aspects of these programmes, working closely with local primary schools to ensure high quality placement for students.

Ryan wearing sunglasses standing by a lake.
Postgraduate research student

Ryan is a postgraduate research student whose work is focused on warlike cultures and warrior traditions and how they can affect and shape the world-building process as it relates to Space Western short stories. 

Senior Lecturer in Media and Arts

Barry is a Senior Lecturer in Media and Arts (Film Production & Commercial Photography).

Tom Staunton teaching a tutorial
Lecturer in Career Development

Tom is a Lecturer in Career Development at the International Centre for Guidance Studies. Tom mainly teaches on the MA Careers Education and Coaching at the University and research interests focus on the way the internet, especially social media is changing the field of careers development.

John Steel
Research Professor in Journalism

John is Research Professor in Journalism and his role is to support research activities across the School and wider university. He has interests in a variety of research areas including journalism ethics and regulation, political communication, media history and journalism education.

Francesca doing interpretive dance
Postgraduate Research Student

Francesca is a Postgraduate Research Student who is aiming to shift bodybuilding from an artistic practice to a research methodology incorporating a written process. 

Senior Lecturer in Postgraduate Studies and Teacher Education, Research and Innovation Lead

As a Senior Lecturer in the Institute of Education, Dr Stothard works with masters and doctoral students in various fields pertaining to education. In particular, he teaches and supervises doctoral student working towards a Doctorate in Education.  

Laura Stroud sat on a sofa with a hot drink in hand
Lecturer in Creative Writing

Lecturer in Creative Writing. Laura is also the Programme Leader for the MA Creative Writing for the academic year 2021-2022

Senior Lecturer in ITE and Art and Music lead

Susan is a Senior Lecturer and Stage One Leader in Initial Teacher Education in the College of Arts, Humanities and Education for the BEd and MEdu in Primary Education with QTS, and Lead Admissions Tutor for the undergraduate and postgraduate teacher education programmes. She is also a personal professional academic tutor for students across the undergraduate programmes.