College of Science and Engineering staff

Adam Baker in the Team Derby kit
Senior Lecturer in Sport

Adam is a Chartered Physiotherapist with particular interests in Sports Injury Rehabilitation and Prehabilitation. During his time at Derby University, he has been involved in the design, development and validation of a number of degree programmes (both undergraduate and postgraduate).

Lecturer in Environmental Sciences

Lecturer in Environmental Science. Her research focuses on eDNA in freshwater and marine environments. Currently involved in teaching master students.

Lee talking to camera (university photoshoot)
Associate Professor

An Associate Professor, Dr Barnby leads a research team collaborating internationally at CERN, focussing on advances in data handling, supervises PhD students and teaches across mathematics and computing at UG and master's levels. He leads Collaborative and Data-centric Engineering, an interdisciplinary university research cluster working at the interface of data science and engineering.

Kate teaching a student in one of the forensic labs at the University of Derby.
Senior Lecturer in Forensic Biology

Kate Barnes is a Lecturer in Forensic Biology and teaches on the Forensic Science, Biology and Zoology undergraduate programmes. She researches within the field of Forensic Ecology and is currently exploring insect-microbe interactions in the corpse environment and assessing the effect of environmental conditions on blowfly behaviour.

Technician - Biomedical Science

Mary joined The College of Science and Engineering at the University of Derby in December 2019 to be part of the technical team supporting the delivery of practical classes in Biomedical & Forensic Science. 

Senior Lecturer

Nel is a Senior Lecturer in the College of Science and Engineering. 

Academic Bruce Birkett sitting at a desk
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Health

Bruce Birkett has 30 years of experience working in the Environmental Health field. Before working in higher education, he was employed by various local authorities through England, lastly as a Head of Service. Bruce has also worked internationally within the oil industry in Environmental Health and loss prevention.

Senior Lecturer in Sport Management

James is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Management with over 18 years of experience teaching within further and higher education. He mainly teaches on applied modules that look at how business principles, such as finance and strategic management, can be applied to sport.

Richard Bostock in studio next to a keyboard and mixing desk.
Technical Team Leader - Engineering & Technology

Richard is Technical Team Leader based at the Markeaton Street campus. He has operational responsibility for technical services and research across the College of Science and Engineering. He has worked as a technician for over 20 years with experience of working in different subject and discipline areas.

Amar wearing a blue shirt
Reader in Power Electronics

Dr. Amar Bousbaine is an experienced senior Electrical and Electronic Engineering academic and active researcher in the fields of automotive electrical power system for Electrical Vehicles (EVs), renewable energy sources, Hydrogen fuel cells, and autonomous control of drones.