College of Science and Engineering staff

Square image of staff member Dr Kori Filipek
Senior Lecturer in Biomedical and Forensic Science

Kori Filipek is a Senior Lecturer in Biomedical and Forensic Science

Ana Flavia Belchior de Andrade using a microscope
Lecturer in Forensic Science

As a lecturer in Forensic Science and a specialist in Crime Scene Investigation, Dr Andrade delivers a series of modules related to this area. She also develops innovative research in the field of New Psychoactive Substances and sensors.

Senior Lecturer in Geography

Howard is a Senior Lecturer in Geography.

Mary working in a lab at the University of Derby, holding a pipette.
Postgraduate Research Student

Mary-Ann is a postgraduate research student within the College of Science and Engineering. 

Laurice Fretwell in a teaching room
Course Director in Human Sciences

As the Course Director for the School of Human Sciences, Dr Laurice Fretwell works on improving the curriculum and student experience across two disciplines: Biomedical and Forensic Sciences, and Sport and Exercise Science.

Philippine C Geiszler at the Royal Museums Greenwich.
Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences

Philippine Geiszler is a pharmacist and biomedical scientist, with a research focus on the application of NMR spectroscopy-based metabolomics to cell systems related to brain disorders. 

Senior Lecturer in Sport Coaching

Dr Luke Gibson is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Coaching and the Programme Leader for the FdSc Sport Performance and Analysis programme. He also leads and teaches on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules and supports various project students. 

Research Professor

Paul Gilbert is a Research Professor

Samuel wearing a jacket outdoors
Postgraduate Research Student

Samuel is a Postgraduate Research Student who is profiling the physiological and psychological effectiveness of singlet oxygen in the management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD). 

Senior Lecturer in Performance Analysis

Ryan is a Senior Lecturer in Sports Performance Analysis and leads the Introduction to Sports Performance Analysis, Applied Sports Performance Analysis and Advanced Research Methods. His research focuses on developing our socio-pedagogical understanding of elite sports contexts. Ryan supervises a number of PhD students in this area.