College of Business, Law and Social Sciences staff

Amanda Lee smiling
Senior Lecturer in Business & Management

Amanda Lee is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management at the University of Derby. She teaches across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules and programmes.

Sung-Hee Lee
Deputy Chair of the College Research Committee for BLSS & Programme Lead for MRes Social Sciences and Humanities

Dr Sung-Hee Lee has developed a broad understanding in sociology and social policy, mainly focused on care and gender issues within the context of comparative study between Europe and East Asia. Sung-Hee is currently commencing a research project investigating childcare policy development in East Asia and assessing the impact on working mothers' work-life balance. 

Pouria Liravi looking at camera in suit and tie
Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management (Procurement)

Pouria is a Senior Lecturer at Derby Business School. He is a Chartered Member of Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) and a Chartered Member of the Institute of Logistics and Transportation (UK). He supervises student projects at undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD and DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) levels.

Dr Nicola Lynch
Head of Derby Business School

Head of Derby Business School

Xueer Ma

Xueer Ma is a lecturer in Business and Management, BLSS. Her research area focuses on strategic transformation and cross-culture studies. She also focuses on entrepreneurship and strategic human resource management (SHRM). She has abroad experience in the field of empirical studies. She is a Fellow of the HEA (Higher Education Academy) in 2019 with HE teaching experience.

Duncan Marson wearing a tie and navy waistcoat.
Lecturer in Tourism and Applied Management and College Lead in learning, teaching and assessment

Duncan is a Lecturer in Tourism and Applied Management.

Larry Mead
Principal Lecturer

Larry teaches Equity and Succession which is a core module for final year undergraduate Law students. He is also module tutor for the undergraduate Company Law and Evidence modules. His research interests are auditor independence and expert opinion evidence.

Senior Law Lecturer

Michala Meiselles is Senior Lecturer and module leader. Before joining, she was Associate Professor at Université Jean Moulin where she is visiting professor.  She sits on Academic Board. She is a solicitor and consults on trade and compliance. She read law at University of Manchester (LLB and LLM) and is Senior Fellow of the HEA.  

Noma Mguni
Postgraduate Research Student

Noma Mguni is a Postgraduate Research Student with 7+ years of experience working in HR. She is an employment mentor and a public speaker. She is also the founder of PhD hardtalk and the host of PhD hardtalk.

Senior Lecturer in Economics

An applied economist passionate about teaching, enthusiastic about research and keen on professional engagement. His role within the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences spans the full range of academic activities from teaching at all levels, to leading programmes, to keynote speaking and business consultancy and to applied research.