College of Business, Law and Social Sciences staff

Darren Byrne
Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance

Darren Byrne is Programme Leader for the BA (Hons) Business Accounting and Finance at the University of Derby. Darren teaches on a number of modules that help students to produce Consultancy Reports for real organisations who are looking for recommendations with regard to their business, and he also leads and teaches on other CIMA oriented modules.

Staff Profile photo
College Head of Executive Education and Enterprise Development

Alexandra Charles is College Head of Executive Education and Enterprise Development. Through its work with business and business leaders, her team has global impact as a high quality provider of innovative work integrated and applied learning solutions.  

Ziguang wearing a tuxedo shirt and bow tie
Professor of Organisational Behavior and Human Resource Management

Ziguang is a Professor of Organisational Behavior and Human Resource Management, a member of the University Professorial Council and Internal Review Panel of ESRC grants at the University of Derby, UK.

Hilary Coyle in conversation at a Business Law and Social Sciences away day
Senior Lecturer in Management Accounting

Hilary Coyle is a fully qualified accountant with a wealth of industrial experience. Her research interests focus on the public sector, specifically local government. Hilary brings her knowledge of both the private and public sector into her teaching to support students to ensure they have the skills that they need to gain excellent jobs after university.

Bev Crighton
Senior Lecturer

As a senior lecturer, Bev teaches across several Business subjects and sits within the Business and Management team. She is passionate about external engagement and increasing student’s employability skills and is known for connecting businesses with students to achieve mutually beneficial relationships.

Senior Lecturer in Accounting

Liz is a lecturer in Accounting at the University of Derby.

Leonard Cseh at a restaurant holding a pen and paper.
Senior Lecturer & BA Hons International Hospitality Management Programme Leader

Leonard Cseh is a senior lecturer in the school of Centre of Contemporary Hospitality and Tourism (CCHT) within the Derby Business School. He works with national and international employers for placements, internships and graduate opportunities. He began his doctoral studies in September 2023 focussing on Transnational Education.

Vic Curtis teaching an enterprise and entrepreneurship class
Course Director - College of Business, Law and Social Science

Vic Curtis is DBS Course Director, Senior Lecturer in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship and Subject Leader for Joint Honours Business Enterprise pathway. He encourages students to take a more enterprising approach to their studies to achieve the best outcomes possible. Vic has worked in the sugar industry, held senior sales and marketing positions and started his own consultancy business.

Emliy Dakin in a blue blazer
Lecturer in Policing

Emily Dakin has been with the University of Derby since December 2021 as a lecturer on the BA (Hons) Professional Policing degree course. Emily is the module lead for Police Accountability, Decision Making & Discretion and teaches on the PCDA. Her background is in Criminology and Sociology & has worked within policing.

Paul Dale
HND Full-time and Part-time Programme Leader

Paul is the Programme Leader for HND full-time and part-time Business and Management. He lectures in Strategy and Logistics.