College of Health, Psychology and Social Care staff

Dr Vicki Staples in front of a bookcase in her office.
Programme Director for MSc Health Psychology

Vicki is a Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology and the programme director of the MSc Health Psychology Programme. She is a Chartered Psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. 

Catherine sitting at a desk, holding a pen.
Lecturer in Psychology

Cate is a Postgraduate Research Student and Associate Lecturer in Psychology. She is also the PGR Chair. She uses qualitative research methods to explore gender, with a specific focus on power relations and sexuality.

Head shot of research student Stephanie Davey
Postgraduate Research Student

Stephanie is a PhD student in health psychology at the University of Derby, exploring the barriers and facilitators of influenza vaccination in children.

Associate Professor in Psychology

Ed is a lecturer in Psychology.

Elaina sitting on a red and blue couch, smiling.
Senior Lecturer in Psychology

Dr Elaina Taylor is a Lecturer and Chartered Psychologist. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, full member of the Division of Health Psychology and Chartered member of the British Psychological Society.

Staff member Jolene Taylor
Associate Lecturer in Forensic Psychology

Jolene Taylor is a HCPC Registered and BPS Chartered Forensic Psychologist and an Associate Lecturer in Forensic Psychology. Jolene teaches on the MSc in Forensic Psychology and the Post Graduate Diploma in Forensic Psychology Practice and leads modules on both of these courses.

Technician in Clinical Skills and Simulation

Dan works for the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, specialising in the production of training videos, interactive content and immersive learning experiences.

Senior Lecturer & Program Lead for the BSc (Hons) in Child and Family, Health & Wellbeing in Public Health & Social and Community Studies.

Cleveland is a Senior Lecturer and the Program Lead for the BSc (Hons) in Child and Family, Health and Wellbeing, which sits within the discipline area of Social and Community Studies, and the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care.

Sylwia Tichanow University of Derby academic sitting at desk with laptop
Lecturer in Nursing and Perioperative Practice, Programme Leader BSc (Hons) Perioperative Practice (Top-up)

Slywia is a qualified as an Operating Department Practitioner who joined the University of Derby in January 2022, to teach and lead on the online nursing and perioperative practice modules. Since January 2023, she has lead the Perioperative Practice (Top-up) BSc (Hons) programme. 

Associate Professor Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy

Dr. Townend is involved with academic leadership in the areas of psychological therapies and supervision for practice and research degrees.